
March 11, 2024 Agenda

TOWN OF SOUTH HERO Selectboard Agenda
Reorganizational + Regular Meeting of March 11, 2024
In South Hero Town Hall, at 7:00 PM
Or sign into
For the 2nd Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 946 0312 5738 – Use Passcode: 077949
For the 4th Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 984 1698 7296 – Use Passcode: 799123

Current members: David Carter, Anne Zolotas, Graham “Skip” Brown

1. Call to Order by Town Clerk

2. Organization of Selectboard:
1. Town Clerk to swear in new/incumbent Selectboard members: David Lane and Ross Brown
2. Election of Chairman (required)
3. Town Clerk turns meeting over to new Chairman

3. Appointments and procedures of the Selectboard:
1. Election of Clerk (optional)
2. Election of Vice-Chairman (optional)
3. Set time and place of meetings (currently the 2nd and 4th Monday 7:00 pm at Town Hall)
4. Set location to post warnings and agendas (currently Town Hall, Post Office and Library + Town Website)
5. Set newspaper of record (currently the Islander)
6. Appointments:”shall thereupon appoint…the following officers who shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified…” 24 VSA 871:
a. Animal control officer “…as long as he/she consents to the position, the animal control officer need not be a South Hero resident…”
b. A Tree Warden
c. Road Commissioner
7. Assign Emergency Management Officer and deputy, if required
8. Review, approve and sign the Selectboard Rules of Procedure

4. Adjustments to agenda, if necessary

5. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular meeting of February 26, 2024

6: Public Input

7. New Business
A. Allow Road Commissioner to sign road permits/road postings for the Selectboard
B. Review plans for April 8, 2024 Solar eclipse
C. Re-appoint Jonathan Shaw as delinquent tax collector
D. Discuss RFP for mowing of Town properties

8. Reports of Officers
A. Report from Town Administrator and Zoning Administrator

9. Old and ongoing Business
A. Review plan for possible Town Hall location

10. Announcements and Communications

11. Other Business
A. Sign order(s) (if necessary)
B. Review and sign liquor license renewals (if necessary)
C. Town Clerk/Treasurer update, if necessary
D. Recreation Commission update, if necessary
E. Road department update, if necessary
F. Discuss ARPA funds and possible projects, if necessary
G. Discuss wastewater committee updates, if necessary
H. Executive session for legal matters

12. Adjournment