
July 22, 2024 Agenda

Selectboard Agenda
Regular Meeting of Monday July 22, 2024
In Town Hall, at 7:00 PM
Or Zoom: sign into
For the 2nd Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 946 0312 5738 – Use Passcode: 077949
For the 4th Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 984 1698 7296 – Use Passcode: 799123
David Carter, Chairman
David Lane – Ross Brown
Graham “Skip” Brown _ Anne Zolotas

1. Call to Order

2. Adjustment to Agenda
A. If necessary

3. Acknowledgment of Minutes
A. Meeting of July 8, 2024

4. Public Input

5. New Business and invited guests
A. Joe Connelly of Run Vermont to discuss Island Vines foot race
B. Andy Julow of LCIEDC to discuss SHORE project
C. Set 2024/2025 tax rate
D. Town Building Committee to discuss site selection of a new Town Hall. Vote if necessary
E. Town Building Committee to recommend new member and approval by the Board
F. Discuss the lease for the Island Craft Shop
G. Discuss letter from Vermont DEC re: chloride concerns at Town Garage and advise next steps
H. Discuss Errors and Omissions as submitted by the Listers and approve as necessary

6. Reports of Officers
A. Review written report from the ZA + Town Administrator
B. Review and sign mobile vendor license(s), if necessary
C. Review applications and appoint Planning Commission member(s)
7. Ongoing and Old Business
A. Discuss Salt Shed RFP
B. Discuss Conservation Commission “tiny” grant disposition
8. Announcements and Communications
A. As necessary

9. Other Business and standing agenda items
A. Sign order(s)
B. Town Clerk/Treasurer update, if necessary
C. Recreation Commission update, if necessary
D. Road department update, if necessary
E. Review next steps for Old South Hero Meeting House, if necessary
F. Discuss ARPA funds, if necessary
G. Review Wastewater Committee updates, if necessary
H. Town Hall project committee update: See above. Plus any other news, if necessary
I. Possible Executive session for personnel matters

10. Adjournment