
June 13, 2022 WW Minutes





Present: Bob Buermann; Robert Krebs; Peter Zamore; George Harwood; Nate Hayward; Dea Devlin(NRPC); Lynette Claudon


The chair, Peter Zamore opened the meeting at 4:30 pm.

  • Bob Buermann raised the issue that the zoom link was not available. The chair indicated that he would answer any questions which arose from the public.
  • The minutes of the May 9 Meeting were reviewed. Robert Krebs asked the secretary to check the website for accuracy which was cited by Robert Clark at the meeting of May 9.In addition apparently Robert Krebs was erroneously assigned a task for which he did not volunteer.  Both items were changed and the amended minutes were approved.
  • Peter announced that Mike Gammal indicated that he wanted to resign from the committee due to what he perceived as a conflict of interest Peter spoke with him further and urged him to reconsider as he was an ideal member in that he lived in one of the targeted areas.
  • Lynette announced that South Hero’s revolving loan application was received by the state and that the use plan would be published soon and our status will be noted on the published list
  • The committee reviewed the answers to the wastewater survey and the public concerns, in part included: there would be some residual discharge into the lake; concerns about funding whether it would be a town-wide assessment or funded by user fees, and whether the funding came through a tax or user fee. The committee felt that it was important to discuss these concerns at the next public meeting. Bob Buermann, George Harwood and Peter agreed the contact any survey respondents for whom we had contact information, in order to address their concerns.
  • The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


George Harwood, Clerk