
January 13, 2020 SB Minutes


Regular Meeting of January 13, 2020

South Hero Town Hall, Monday 6:00 PM


Board Members Present: Jonathan Shaw, Anne Zolotas, David Carter, Skip Brown, and Sharon Roy

Others Present: Martha Varney, Administrative Assistant, Janet Yates, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Doug Patterson, Cecile Roy, Tim Maxham, Will Moran, Sandy Gregg, Mike Wickenden, Jenny Schulz, Cody Fiala, Herman Fossi.


  1. Called to Order:

The meeting was called to order by Chairman Shaw at 6:00 pm


  1. Adjustment to Agenda:

-Add executive session at end of meeting.


  1. Minutes:

David Carter made a motion to accept the minutes of the special meeting of December 16, 2019 as written; second by Anne Zolotas. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Anne Zolotas made a motion to accept the minutes of the Emergency meeting of December 26, 2019 as written; second by Sharon Roy. Jonathan Shaw and David Carter were not in attendance; all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

David Carter made a motion to accept the minutes of the special meeting of January 6, 2020 (Selectboard Public Hearing) as written; second by Anne Zolotas. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.


  1. Public input:

There was none.


  1. New Business:
  2. A. Cecile Gove presented an appeal letter to the State regarding the reappraisal. David Carter made a motion to sign the letter; second by Anne Zolotas. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
  3. B. Mike Wickenden and Herman Fossi of South Hero Rescue presented a proposed Article to hire EMT support when there is little coverage during daytime hours. An Article asking for up to $55,000 to hire EMT help will be submitted for Town meeting.
  4. C. David Carter moved to sign the Fraud Prevention Policy; second by Anne Zolotas. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
  5. D. Anne Zolotas made a motion that the proposed amended Development Regulations be an article at Town meeting [rather than being approved by the Selectboard]; seconded by Sharon Roy. Jonathan Shaw, Anne Zolotas, and Sharon Roy so voted; Skip Brown and David Carter voted nay. The Article will go to a Town vote at Town Meeting.



  1. Administrative Assistant Report:
  2. A. See the report on or filed with this report.
  3. B. Skip Brown moved to appoint Mike Welsh and Sue Arguin as Alternate members of the Development Review Board for 1-year terms, and to appoint current Alternate Jim Brightwell to complete the term of full-time member Sherry Corbin who resigned from the Board this month; the motion was seconded by David Carter. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.




  1. 7. Old and Ongoing Business:
  2. A. The Board reviewed the final budget for the 2021 fiscal year.
  3. The Board discussed the wording for Articles that will be approved at the 1/27/20 meeting.


  1. Announcements and Communications:
  2. David Carter made the motion to re-appoint Erin Morse and Carol Tremble to 3-year terms on the Recreation Committee; seconded by Anne Zolotas.
  3. The town office will continue to be a FEMA emergency management center.
  4. David Carter met with the Vermont Electric Co-op arborist who explained that VEC will be clearing trees, including Ash, from within their utility rights-of-way. She recommended that the Town wait to remove any Ash trees along the roads until after they are finished since the utility may be removing them anyway. A map showing the area of Emerald Ash Borer infestation and the proposed roads and rights-of-way where VEC will be working has been posted in the Town Office boardroom.
  5. David Carter made the motion to sign the contract to continue the Town’s annual agreement with the Humane Society of Chittenden County.
  6. David Carter made the motion to sign orders number 20-13, 20-13A, and 20-14. The motion was seconded and approved.


  1. Adjournment:

-8:18PM: Anne Zolotas made the motion to move to executive session for personnel matters.

-8:30PM: The Board announced that David Carter will address the personnel matter. David Carter moved to adjourn; Anne Zolotas seconded. All in attendance so voted and the motion carried.



Respectfully submitted,                                      Approved by,


_______________________________               ________________________________

Martha Taylor-Varney – Asst. to SB                  Jonathan Shaw, Chair