
February 23, 2022 DRB Minutes



Members Present – Tim Maxham (Chair); Doug Patterson (Vice-Chair); Gareth Hunt; Bill Rowe; Liza Kilcoyne (via Zoom); Jim Brightwell (via Zoom); Mike Welch (Alternate). 

Others Present: Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA); Dean and Kathy Henry; Mark Day (TDH Surveying and Design); Peter Mazurk; Kathy Magill; Matt Jensen; Kevin Donovan.


7:00PM – Chair T. Maxham opened the hearing.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


Continuation of Combined Preliminary/Final Review of a 9-Lot Subdivision at 129 Ferry Rd. (Dean and Kathy Henry) – 22-33-FR129

  1. Maxham re-opened the hearing. Introductions were made and interested persons not attending previously were sworn in.  Alternate M. Welch recused himself from the hearing.

The Board agreed that the requirements for Preliminary Review had been met and that the review had reached Final Review status.  Surveyor Mike Day and Applicant Dean Henry presented the final plat.  The turnaround previously shown at the driveway for Lot 2 had been moved further south onto the northwest corner of Lot 5 for closer access to the driveways for Lots 3, 4, and 5.  Two additional turnarounds were added to Lot 2 rather than adding a pull-off along the driveway.  Reflective posts marking the 2 accesses onto Ferry Rd., requested by the Board at the previous hearing, are not shown on the plat.  Dean Henry explained that VTrans will designate the location of these when the 1111 permit is issued.

Proposed stormwater easement areas are on Lot 2, Lot 4, and one extended along the south borders of Lots 7, 8, and 9.  D.  Patterson asked Peter Masurk, stormwater engineer, if stormwater will be collected from these areas and discharged through an orifice to a concentrated location.  Peter agreed that it would.  Matt Jensen, whose property abuts Lots 3 and 4, stated that he was satisfied with the stormwater plan.  The Board asked that the easement delineations for proposed wastewater, shared access, and stormwater easement areas are difficult to see and need to be more clearly defined on the plat.

Traffic impact calculations by TDH Survey and Design total 86 trips daily for 9 homes. The Applicant submitted road cross sections with the plat.  Dean Henry stated that there will be a road maintenance agreement and deeds for individual lots will reference easements on each. Dean expects to construct roads and septic systems prior to selling the first lot.  All utilities will be underground.  Homes on lots 7, 8, and 9 will be rental units.

  1. Hunt moved to add the final plat and an aerial plat to the record; W. Rowe second. All in favor.  T. Maxham closed the hearing at 7:53pm.  M. Welch re-entered the meeting.

Old Business

There was none.


Review of Minutes

  1. Welch moved to approve the minutes from February 9, 2022; L. Kilcoyne second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

There are no hearings scheduled for the next meeting on March 9, so it will be a short business meeting only, followed by a deliberation.  ZA Martha Taylor-Varney suggested the meeting be via Zoom.  The Board agreed.



8:21pm – W. Rowe moved to adjourn; G. Hunt second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ________________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Development Review Board


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.