
February 20, 2024 Cons. Comm. Minutes

Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 6:30 P.M.

via Zoom Only
Meeting Minutes

Members: Bob Fireovid, Dave Hobbs, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud, Cristin Lemieux Pullis
Public Attendees: Emily Alger, SHLT
1) Call to Order – Bridget called the meeting to order @ 6:32p.
2) Public Input (items not on the agenda) – None.
3) Finalize the Agenda – Budget follow-up.
4) Discuss Possibility of Taking on Green Up Day from SHLT – SHLT took over Green up day coordination
in 2010-2011, in addition to hosting the BBQ afterwards. The coordination involves getting the bags
from the state, coordinating with the town for dumpsters, allocating bags and street locations, and then
coordinating pickup with volunteers and trucks. Green-up day is Saturday May 4 th . Cristin noted that she
would support the CC taking over the event. Bridget concurred. There is no expense, except for perhaps
a box of gloves. Emily noted that the SHLT regularly hosts a White’s Beach cleanup. SHLT and Mark/Lisa
would continue the BBQ. Mark noted early bird pickup works well for many residents. Cynthia moved
that the CC take over Green-up Day coordination. Cristin 2d. Unanimous. Cristin volunteered to connect
with Guy to coordinate the transfer before early March.
5) Updates on VINS Kestrel Study & Educational Event – Bridget contacted VINS and Jim Armbruster to
discuss the Kestrel study. Nothing new to report, but she let him know that we would be proceeding
with the study and educational event, possibly in July and/or August. Cynthia asked about how the study
works, and what the community aspect might be. Nesting boxes, and habitat identification with
outreach are some of the possible outcomes. She noted that community engagement was a key
component of the proposed project.
6) AVCC Tiny Grant – The CC agreed to pursue the AVCC Tiny Grant to support the CC work. Mark
suggested pursuing the grant for both the NRI and Kestrel project, as both would advance the CC and
AVCC goals. He shared the grant application with the members. Bridget noted she would take a look at it
and confirm budget for kestrel project with VINS.
7) CC Facebook – Cristin started the FB page and early work on a logo for the commission. She asked the
members for input on attributes of the logo. Cristin would use AI for image development, provided it
doesn’t infringe on any copyright. The logo would be used on the Town website landing page. Cristin will
try to get a gmail account with an appropriate identifying name. Thanks to Cristin for all of the efforts.
8) CC Membership Effort – Bridget will finalize the recruitment piece. Mark suggested using the Town
meeting presentation to remind people we’re recruiting and then to post it to FB and FPF. The Green-up
Day event will be a good opportunity for facetime and connecting with residents for new members.
9) Approve minutes from January 15 meeting – Cristin moved and Bob 2d. Unanimous.

10) Preparation for Next Meeting – March 19, 2024 – Kestrel event budget and timing, Bridget will post
re: the Wells South Hero history book, Green-up day coordination, AVCC Tiny Grant
11) Adjourn – Bridget adjourned @ 7:57p. Mark moved, Cristin 2d. Unanimous.