
February 2, 2021 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION                                                       February 3, 2021


Members Present – Doug Patterson (Chair); Sandy Gregg (Vice-Chair); Michele Gammal; David Roy.

Member Absent – Jonathan Shaw

Public Present – Bridget Kerr; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:00 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Update on “Better Places” grant application

  1. Gregg reported that the application was submitted by the deadline. The grant will be very competitive due to the number of applicants, but Sandy hopes that the uniqueness of the proposed project will help. Grants should be awarded by the first week of March.


Prep for 2023 Town Plan

The Commissioners discussed what format the Plan might be and if there will be a need for a Municipal Planning Grant to assist in preparing it.  Martha will ask the Selectboard if they will support the PC applying for a 2021 MPG and will also contact NRPC for further information and to see if they might attend an upcoming PC meeting to discuss options.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to accept the minutes from the January 6, 2021 PC meeting; M. Gammal second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

  1. Small Business Saturday – M. Gammal reported that she has received positive response. Ideas included incorporating South Hero, Grand Isle, and North Hero for on-site participants, and bringing interested participants from Alburgh and Isle La Mott down closer to South Hero so the participants will be easier to access.  Sherry Potvin of the Champlain Islands Economic Development Corporation and Randy Smith of Buy VERMONT Local expressed interest in getting involved and will be meeting in March with Michele to discuss ideas.  The Commission agreed that the weekend before Thanksgiving may be the best Saturday, before weather further deteriorates and other holiday activities begin.
  2. Martha presented 2 draft Zoning applications to the Commission for their review and approval:
  3. Roy moved to approve the draft Town Highway Permit, as amended; S. Gregg second.  All in favor.
  4. Gregg moved to approve the draft Final Plan Review – Major Subdivision application; D. Roy second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

  1. The Commission discussed whether the Mobile Vendors Ordinance requirements included locations where call-ahead customers are meeting a delivery service, at a specified time, to pick up their prepared meals. The Commission agreed that the ordinance did not intend to regulate this.
  2. Martha will email the Vermont Clean Water Initiative 2020 Performance Report to Gregg, M. Gammal, and Bridget Kerr.
  3. To further publicize the Mobile Vendors Ordinance requirements for Town review and licensing, Martha will contact Mike Donahue at the Islander, who indicated that he would be willing to do a follow-up on an original article written soon after the Ordinance’ approval by the Selectboard. Gregg will put another notice in Front Porch Forum.
  4. The Commission agreed to continue meetings via Zoom for now. Bridget Kerr expressed concern that the Selectboard continues to have in-person meetings, with a Zoom option for attendees, noting that she was concerned about transparency and democracy.
  5. The February 17, 2021 Planning Commission will finish by 6:45 to allow some members to attend another meeting scheduled to start at 7PM.



6:47 PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: _____________________________________ Date: ____________________________

For the Planning Commission