
December 13, 2022 Rec. Comm. Minutes

Recreation Committee Minutes, 12/13/2022

Dylan Degree, Guy Maguire, David Lane, Phil Scott, Marion Palermo, Rosemary Zamore

1. Called to order 7:10

2. Approval of minutes

3. Public Input: Guy Maguire spoke about the boardwalk behind Folsom which is falling apart. It needs to be fully replaced, built in 2008. The future of the forest is in danger. 90% of the ash trees are predicted to die. The understory has invasive species- buckthorn and poison ivy. Gravel path also needs to be improved. Many grants are available- Education grants, Community Forestry, Vermont Community, Urban and Forestry, etc. Guy said that the South Hero Land Trust will apply for the grants. ARPA, Lake Champlain Basin Program and matching grants are also available. No objections.

4. Treasurer’s Report: David Lane: One bill submitted for basketball uniforms.

5. Activities:
Phil Scott presented the committee’s annual report for the Town Report for fiscal year, 21-22.

White’s Beach Improvements will be presented in the 23-24 proposed budget.
Next presentation for White’s Beach TBA

Front Porch Forum is a good place to get the word out.
Phil will send a list of places to advertise events.

Learn to Ski, 60 kids will be involved. How to carpool to events? Dylan will invite Christel Nase to the next meeting.

Catamount Outdoor Center, Phil will go this week to get tickets and coordinate with the library.

Discussion of indoor activities for seniors or families this winter. Cider, Church, Library? Rosemary will look into it- Tai Chi, Yoga, Aerobics. Search for leaders.

Improving outreach. Invite more people to meetings. Front Porch Forum, The Islander, facebook. Phil will put together a list of places to publicize events.

Guy is organizing first hike, Jan 1.

Planning more activities, snowshoe hikes, Dylan will look into that. Steve Robinson’s land for future cross country skiing.

6. Next Meeting January 10. Donna Boumil, SHORE project with Lake Champlain. Update on snowshoeing/ cross country event.

7. Motion to adjourn 7:20