
August 14, 2024 WW Minutes

WastewaterMinutes 8-14-24

Town of South Hero

Wastewater Committee

Minutes of a Meeting on August 14, 2024


Present in person: Committee members: Peter Zamore, Sue Arguin

Present via Zoom: Bob Buermann, Bob Krebs, George Harwood, NRPC: Greta Brunswick DEC: Emily Hackett, Achouak Arfaoui


The meeting was called to order at 4:30 pm.

On motion of Bob Buermann and second of Bob Krebs, the minutes of the March 18, 2024 meeting were approved.

The committee had a general discussion on the status of the Allenholm property and of the discussions with the Vermont Land Trust.  Emily Hackett stated that the VLT was willing to consider for wastewater disposal a two acre site that had been set aside in the conservation easement to serve future housing on the east side of South St. She also indicated that the one-acre set-aside for school waste disposal use was not available for the committee’s purposes.  Bob Buermann stated that Ray Allen has agreed to additional test pits on his property.  Robert Clark is in the process of obtaining archeological clearance for them.

We also addressed the status of the ARPA grant allocation.  Emily Hackett stated that the ARPA allocation would no longer be available for construction, since we were not going to meet certain milestones.  But funds may still be available for project design, land acquisition and related activities. DEC will be sending an ARPA agreement soon for the selectboard to approve.

We also discussed the need for the Preliminary Engineering Report to be completed, once the additional test pits are completed. Finally, Peter Zamore agreed to update the selectboard on the status of the project at its next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm.