
August 14, 2017 Agenda

Selectboard Agenda
Regular Meeting of Monday August 14, 2017
South Hero Town Hall, at 7:00 PM

Jonathan Shaw, Chairman
David Carter-George Rice
Anne Zolotas-Graham “Skip” Brown

1. Call to Order

2. Adjustment to Agenda, if necessary

3. Approval of Minutes
A. Meeting of July 24 and 31, 2017

4. Public Input

5. New Business
A. Discuss VLCT dog ordinance template

6. Reports of Officers
A. Report from Administrative Assistant

7. Ongoing and Old Business
A. South Street reconstruction project from Landon to Martin Roads: discuss any possible updates
B. Emergency Services building:
-Choose committee to advise on existing fire and rescue buildings
-Discuss any other possible updates, if necessary

8. Announcements and Communications

9. Other Business
A. Sign order(s), if necessary

10. Adjournment