
April 25, 2022 SB Miinutes

Selectboard Minutes

Regular Meeting of Monday April 25, 2022 at 7:00 PM

At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom


Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman (via Zoom), Ross Brown/Vice Chairman, Chuck Hulse.

Board Members Not Present: Skip Brown, Anne Zolotas

Others Present:    Naomi King/Town Clerk, Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA; Peter Zamore; Michele Gammal, Tim Maxham; Mike Donoghue.


  1. Called to Order:

-The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Ross Brown at 7:00 pm


  1. Adjustment to Agenda:



  1. Minutes:

David Carter made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 11, 2022.  Ross Brown seconded.  All in favor.


  1. Public input:
  2. Michele Gammal spoke to the Board about her concerns about the sidewalks in South Hero village. The sidewalks are uneven, covered with sand from winter plowing, and generally in poor shape. She requested that the Selectboard make cleaning and maintaining the sidewalks a priority.  Ross Brown explained that because the sidewalks are within the State’s right-of-way, that it is the State’s responsibility.  However, because the State has not maintained the sidewalks in many years, Ross said he would ask the Town Road Foreman to talk to VTrans.


  1. New Business:
  2. A. Sheriff Allen had requested that the Selectboard formally adopt the temporary reduced speed limit of 25mph through the construction zone at the intersection of RTs 2 and 314. David Carter made a motion to adopt the reduced speed limit. Chuck Hulse seconded. All in favor.
  3. B. David Carter made a motion to appoint Jonathan Shaw as Delinquent Tax Collector at the discussed salary. Ross Brown seconded. All in favor.


  1. Administrative Assistant Report:
  2. A. See the written report filed with these minutes (Below on the website or in Town Hall).
  3. B. The Board approved and signed 3 mobile vendor license applications: Silo Distillery (Viva Marketplace), The Hive Café (Allenholm), and Charlene’s (Keeler Bay Associates).


  1. Old and Ongoing Business:
  2. Peter Zamore gave the Board an update on the Wastewater Committee. The committee continues organizational work.  They are preparing a survey for residents in the 2 village districts to gather information about Wastewater needs, concerns, and the need for additional wastewater capacity.  The committee’s website is now live on the Town website and the site hosted by Northwest Regional Planning Commission.

-The Committee’s contract with Otter Creek Associates, for $38,790.00, is for the engineering firm to evaluate wastewater needs, identify disposal sites, some system design, and provide a preliminary financial analysis.  David Carter made a motion for Ross Brown to assume the role as liaison for the Town and to sign the contract. Chuck Hulse seconded.  All in favor.

-The Committee is applying for a grant through the State’s Revolving Fund for $48,020.00 for a feasibility study and consulting. If awarded, this will not have to be paid back.  David Carter made a motion to sign the Selectboard to sign the application.  Chuck Hulse seconded.  All in favor.


  1. Announcements and Communications:
  2. There were none.


  1. Other Business:
  2. A. David Carter made a motion to sign order #22/22. Ross Brown seconded. All in favor.
  3. B. No update from the Town Clerk or Treasurer.
  4. C. Recreation Commission — Chuck Hulse reported that activities are picking up for the summer. The Commission is currently looking for a new Chairperson.
  5. Road Dept. Update – The Highway Dept. is purchasing a new skid steer. This will be a multi-use piece of equipment.  Referencing Jerry Robinson’s concerns about the lack of shoulders on Lakeview Rd. expressed at the April 11 Selectboard meeting – Road Foreman John Beaulac said that Lakeview Rd. is one of the oldest roads in Town and needs to be widened by 4 feet.  He suggested that perhaps that could all be on one side to allow for more room for pedestrians.  He will look into it.  The priority this year is Kibbe Point Rd. but maybe this could be planned for next year?
  6. ARPA – Their survey went live on April 25 and is available on the Town website and in the Town Office.
  7. F. Wastewater Committee updates – see 7.A above.
  8. G. 3 Liquor Licenses were signed for Blue Paddle.


Mike Donoghue asked to acknowledge Vice-Chair Ross Brown for the 28-minute meeting and commented that this was the shortest Selectboard meeting he had ever attended.



  1. Adjournment:

– Chuck Hulse made a motion to adjourn 7:28 pm; second by Ross Brown.  All in favor.




Respectfully submitted,                                      Approved by,


_______________________________                ________________________________

Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)                               Ross Brown, Vice-Chair


Administrative Officer’s Report to Selectboard                                        April 27, 2022

Discussion Items:

  1. There are 3 applications for the SB to sign for 2022 Vendors’ licenses. The locations for each of these vendors were reviewed and approved by the DRB last year.
  2. The Otter Creek Associates contract signature page and the State Revolving fund application signature page (both for the Wastewater Committee) have been signed by David Carter and are in the folder for the Board’s signatures.
  3. There will be a Fair Housing discussion on Friday, April 29 from 12:30 to 1:30. Ross Brown attended a Fair Housing webinar this winter to fulfill a requirement for the Bayview Crossing implementation grant that was awarded last summer. I will also pass this on to the Planning Commission to see if anyone is interested.  Contact me for additional information

Planning Commission

2023 Town Plan discussion — The Commission is reviewing stake-holders discussions from the last several meetings.  Public outreach events are scheduled for June 27 and August 22.  Sandy Gregg, Michele Gammal, and Joan Falcao are finalizing a draft survey for the Commission to review before it is sent out.

VOREC (Vermont Outdoor Recreation) grant – The Commission met with Andy Julow of the Champlain Islands Economic Development Corp. about a grant that was awarded to LCEDC, South Hero Land Trust, NRPC, and Local Motion for planning to develop pedestrian and bicycle routes in South Hero. The grant is for $99,726.  Andy explained that this could benefit businesses as well as provide advantages for residents and students in South Hero. Public feedback will be sought, perhaps at the same public outreach events as the PC’s Town Plan events.

ARPA Committee updates – The ARPA committee survey went live on April 21st.  There is a link to it on the Town website.

The Planning Commission was notified today that the Downtown Development Board of the Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development approved the Town’s applications too renew the Village Center Designations for South Hero and Keeler Bay Villages.  Both villages will be eligible for benefits for the next 8 years, at which time the Town of South ero will need to renew the designations.

Development Review Board

  1. The next meeting will be April 27, where the Board will hear the final site plan review for the proposed redevelopment of the Sand Bar Inn site and an amendment to an earlier approved mobile vendor site.
  2. DRB Alternate Applicant Ellie Reid of 39 Phelps Lane will attend this week’s meeting to introduce herself to the Board and watch the proceedings. I hope to ask the Selectboard to appoint her to the DRB as an Alternate at the May 9 meeting.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA and Asst. to the Selectboard