
April 18, 2023 Cons. Comm. Minutes

Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, April 18, 2023 at 6:30 P.M.
South Hero Worthen Library Community Room

and via Zoom
Meeting Minutes

Members: Bob Fireovid, Dave Hobbs, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud
Members not attending: Sue Straight
Others attending: Emily Alger, SHLT; Jeff Sikora; Cristin Pullis
Call to Order – Bridget called the meeting to order @6:35p
Finalize the Agenda – N/A
Public Input (items not on the agenda) – Jeff Sikora discussed the sliding hill off Town Line Rd.
He facilitated the development and preservation of the site for agriculture and open space,
with recreation opportunity on the sliding hill lot adjacent the old Webster house site. Current
owner (Peter Johnson) would like to see access with reasonable public amenities and controls.
Emily has encouraged Peter to attend Recreation Commission and Conservation Commission
meetings to discuss goals for seasonal use and parking for safe public use. The commission is
looking forward to supporting the goals with follow up after the Recreation Commission meets
and discusses.
Planning for the Community Values Mapping Events on May 2 and 9 – Bridget reviewed the
information from Jens for the CVM event.
A. Guidelines for Facilitators – Bridget resent the summary guidelines from Jens.
B. Discuss Values to be used – Scenic, recreation, cultural/historical, hunting/fishing,
community, wildlife, working landscape, ecological, spiritual/ethical (connections to
nature and place?) Should we have some phrases or words to better describe the
values? Bob moved to vote to approve. Dave 2d. Unanimous.
C. General Outreach/Publicity – Emily shared the notice card which will be mailed this
week. Islander article with Michael Frett? So Hero FB, FPF, Folsom?, High Schools?
D. Signage on Route 2 – Get permission from Nate for sign near library. Other signage
series for Route 2 in RoW. Budget clarification – Get reimbursement for expenses for
budget that starts 7/1 (for expenses for CVM event). Bob suggested we have an event
committee Zoom meeting for event budget considerations on Friday 4/21.
E. Land Acknowledgement – The commission will consider the land acknowledgement
discussion at the next meeting. Emily related that there may be an opportunity for Jens
to use an acknowledgement that he is comfortable with in his practice prior to the
Commission discussing and developing their own. The Commission agreed that Jens
would be able to make an appropriate land acknowledgement in his Dept. of F&W
facilitator role.

F. Layout/Setup of Community Room – Discussed after adjournment.
G. Snacks & Drinks – Baked goods, with gluten-free and vegan options. Hackett’s frozen
cider. Lemonade. SHLT hot drinks.
Approval of Minutes from March 21 meeting – Cynthia moved, Bob 2d. Unanimous.
Preparation for Next Meeting – Next meeting is the CMV event on May 2d, May 9 th , and a
regular scheduled meeting on May 16th.
Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned @8:30.