
April 13, 2022 DRB Minutes


Members Present some via Zoom: Tim Maxham (Chair), Doug Patterson (Vice Chair),, Mike Welch (Alternate), Liza Kilcoyne, Nate Hayward, Gareth Hunt and James Brightwell..

Others Present some via Zoom: Martha Taylor-Varney, Zoning Admin, Susan Arguin, Clerk,Virginia Randlett, Howard Snider, Jackie Snider, and Bill Deming.

7:00PM – Meeting called to order by Tim Maxham.

Changes to Agenda – Tim wanted to tell everyone that Bill Rowe had resigned from the DRB and Mike Welch would be filling his spot.

Public Input There was none.

Request for Setback Waiver at 29 Sunset Beach Road-Virginia Randlett (2-49-SB029) Hearing: Martha Taylor Varney read the official warning and T. Maxham swore in the applicant, Virginia Randlett. The applicant told the board her plans to add a small mudroom onto her primary residence on 29 Sunset Road. She said it would be 8’X5’ and would accommodate a full-size door. The existing door is custom and only 6 feet tall.  By moving the door location approx. 1 foot to the left, the slope of the roof will allow for a normal height door.  The addition will have the same roof line as the existing structure. A letter from Beth Hopwood, the abutting neighbor [31 Sunset Beach Rd.], was read by Martha Taylor Varney indicating they did not have any objections on the mudroom being built if it was understood that Ms. Randlett support a future application for a setback waiver for work on their home within the setback to her property. They expressed wanting this submitted into the minutes; G. Hunt made a motion to enter the letter into record and M. Welch seconded. All in favor. As the proposed addition will encompass an existing 20sf deck, the applicant is only asking for an addition of 20 square feet. There was discussion on the site plan that was submitted, and some clarification was needed as to the location/dimensions of the proposed addition. There were no further questions from the Board.  T. Maxham closed the hearing at 7:40PM.

Request for Setback Waiver at 30 Lands End Way- William Demming (22-50-LEO30) Hearing: Martha Taylor Varney read the official warning and T. Maxham swore in the applicant, Bill Deming. Mr. Deming said he was hoping to replace the existing camp with a new revised version of what is currently there now. There is no conforming space on the .16-acre lot.  Mr. Deming told the Board that he would like to move the replacement structure a foot or so closer to the Snider boundary, still out of sight of the Snider home, and further from the Ro’s boundary.  The camp now is 5.5’ from the Snider boundary (8 Chase Lane), 9 feet from the boundary with Una and Christopher Ro (LE028), and 57 feet from the lake.  The replacement home is proposed to be a 15’x30’ rectangle, pivoted slightly to directly face the lake. The proposed replacement camp will increase the distance to the Ro boundary from the existing structure.  Abutting landowner Howard Snider told the Board that he did not support the structure being any closer to their shared boundary than it currently is. He is concerned about the integrity of a bank on his side of the boundary and that construction of a new structure that close could cause damage to the bank. Additionally, N. Hayward suggested that the replacement home should not be any closer to the lake than the closest point of the existing structure, to improve chances that Shoreland Protection will not object to the proposal.  Options for the dimensions and location of the replacement camp were discussed by the Board and Mr. Deming. The Board noted that some revisions would have to be made to the proposal. A motion was made by D. Patterson and L. Kilcoyne second to recess this hearing until May 11th at 7PM. All in favor.

Old Business:

  1. Martha Taylor Varney told the Board that she had received the Mylar for the Martin Subdivision. T. Maxham would sign it after the meeting.


Review of Minutes: G. Hunt moved to accept the March 9, 2022 Minutes as written; M. Welch second. All in Favor.

Administrator’s Report: Martha Taylor Varney gave the upcoming schedule to the Board, through the May 11 meeting.

Adjournment: . G. Hunt moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:15PM and M. Welch second. All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Arguin/DRB Clerk

Signed:______________________________________Date:________________________ These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.