
December 11, 2023 Agenda

Selectboard Agenda
Regular Meeting of Monday + Public Hearing
December 11, 2023
In Town Hall, at 7:00 PM
Or Zoom: sign into
For the 2nd Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 946 0312 5738 – Use Passcode: 077949
For the 4th Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 984 1698 7296 – Use Passcode: 799123
David Carter, Chairman
Chuck Hulse – Ross Brown
Anne Zolotas – Graham “Skip” Brown

1. Call to Order

2. Public Hearing
Notice is hereby given to the residents of the Town of South Hero, Vermont that the South Hero Selectboard is holding a hearing to consider the following proposed Town of South Hero Development Regulations pursuant to Chapter 117 of Title 24, §4384 and §4441, V.S.A.:
The draft proposed regulations include technical corrections to grammar and typos, changes to the review process for two-family dwellings (duplexes) mandated by the H.O.M.E. Act, and clarifications on the DRB’s review standards for storm-water.

3 Adjustment to Agenda

4. Acknowledgment of Minutes
A. Meeting of November 27, 2023

5. Public Input

6. New Business and invited guests
A. Budget request from South Hero Road Dept.
B. Budget request from the Town Clerk
C. Budget request from the Recreation Commission + review and approve member applications as necessary
D. Budget request from the Conservation Commission
E. Continue general budget discussion with Treasurer
F. Review draft of Livestock Ordinance

7. Reports of Officers
A. Review written reports from ZA and Town Administrator
B. Review and approve Development Review Board (DRB) member applications as necessary
8. Ongoing and Old Business
A. Discuss Martin Rd. wetland inspection proposal from engineering company

9. Announcements and Communications

10. Other Business and standing agenda items
A. Sign order(s), if necessary
B. Town Clerk/Treasurer update: if necessary
C. Recreation Commission update, if necessary
D. Road department update, if necessary
E. Review next steps for Old South Hero Meeting House, if necessary
F. Discuss ARPA funds, if necessary
G. Review Wastewater Committee updates, if necessary
H. Review Town Office feasibility move committee updates, if necessary

11. Adjournment