
6/13/18 DRB Minutes

Minutes – DRB – June 13, 2018

Board members in attendance – Tim, Doug, Lisa, Sherry and Jim (alternate)

  1. Changes to the Agenda – there are no changes to the agenda
  2. Public Input – There is no Public Input

Tim Maxham recused himself from the board for the next hearing.

  1. Application for Subdivision – Sketch Plan Review – #18-72-RT275
  2. Land Owner – Martin and Patricia Lavin;
  3. Agent – Jeff Sikora presenting
  4. Interested Public in Attendance: Bridget Kerr, Doug Kerr, M. Lavin, Pat Lavin, Malcolm Allen, Anne Quinn, Peter Zamore, Steven Robinson, Jeff Sikora, Rochelle Gardner, Dolores Gardner, and James Falby
  5. Interested Public Speaking during the hearing: Bridget Kerr and Rochelle Gardner

Discussion points:  Jeff Presented a plan showing the creation of two lots with frontage on Route 2 separated by a 60 wide drive way with land retained by the remaining 96+/- land.

Document #1 (was entered into the record by Jim/Lisa) – a copy of a 3/30/1998 survey of the original parcel prior to the 2003 subdivision that created the Island Racing lot.

Document #2 (was entered into the record by Jim/Lisa) – The Septic Schematic by Tudhope dated 10/31/2013.

Jeff testified:

  1. He has Verbal Commitment from V-Trans as to the location of the proposed road cut but the location could shift prior to final approval.
  2. There are currently no proposed uses for the two lots.

ACTION: Due to the frontage on Route 2, it is assumed that these will be Commercial Lots and therefore according to Section 703, this should be designated a Major Subdivision.  Moved by Jim, Second by Lisa.

Public Comment:

  1. Bridget Kerr, 29 South St, wanted to know where the Septic possible sites were located.  Jeff addressed the question with Document #2 – the Septic Schematic that was previously entered into the record.
  2. Rochelle Gardner, 61 South St, wanted to know if the waste water will run onto their property. Jeff responded that that will not be an issue, further she wanted to know who was responsible if it were to run on their property.  Jeff did not have an answer.

Motion to close the hearing at 7:19PM by Lisa, second by Jim.

Tim rejoined the board

  1. Application for Revision of Conditional Use and Site Plan – #18-68-RT316 – Blue Paddle Bistro
  2. Applicant – Blue Paddle Bistro/After Noonies, LLC;
  3. Presenting – Mandy Hotchkiss
  4. Interested Public in Attendance: Ernie & Brenda Saunders, Chris & Shannon Lawrence, Jeff & Kathy Ohler, David Carter, Bill Lytton, and Carol Ann Jones.
  5. Interested Public Speaking during the hearing: David Carter and Carol Ann Jones

Mandy presented the board with a revised Site Plan showing the Blue Paddle Property and the Town property adjacent to the Blue Paddle and testified:

  1. The Blue Paddle wants to work together with the town to create more functional parking and help alleviate the parking on Route 2.
  2. Champlain Lines will paint parking spaces
  3. It is legal to park on RT2.
  4. V-Trans requested that the East and only road cut on the Blue Paddle property be closed. That the road cut/driveway between the Blue Paddle and Grannies Attic be an Entrance only and traffic flow around Grannies Attic and Exit on the road cut/ driveway to the east of Grannies Attic.  Depicted on the Site Plan submitted.
  5. The Blue Paddle plans to create two Handicap parking spaces along RT 2 and change their handicap ramp.
  6. Blue Paddle has approval from the Community Bank to use their parking lot after hours.
  7. Bill Fifield allows extra parking on his property to the north as long as it is not wet.
  8. Parking on the Blue Paddle Property:
  9. Currently – 15 spaces and 1 Handicap space
  10. Proposed – 12 spaces and 2 handicap spaces
  11. Staff parking is west of the Red Fire Building on Bill Fifield’s property, by verbal agreement
  12. Parking needed for 64 seats as per Waste Water Permit – 1 car/4 seats -16 and 1 handicap
  13. Parking spaces are 9×20
  14. Music:
  15. There are currently 2 music nights a week, Sunday 6-8, Tuesday 6-8:30 Tuesday’s music night had 25 people including band members and family. Always acoustic music and there have been no complaints from neighbors.
  16. 3 proposed large special events per season.  Amplified music, large crowd-200 people, off street parking, one event this year may be held at Camp Takumta
  17. Music is held on Bill Fifield’s Property.
  18. Liquor license is good for off-site consumption and sales.
  19. Septic system is located on Bill Fifield’s property.  Per agreement with property owners Mary Powell and Mark Brooks, After Noonies LLC and Bill Fifield.  Porto-potties are sited for Music nights. 
  20. Discontinued driveway to the East of building will be used as a reserved dog area

DRB issues with current site plan:

  1. Needs to be to scale – Doug
  2. Needs to show the entire area of use including Bill Fifield’s property – Sherry
  3. Property lines and dimensions – Doug
  4. Port-o-potties
  5. All uses delineated
  6. All requirements of Section 305 – Doug


Public Comment:

  1. David Carter stated as Select Board member, that Vtrans 111 permit approval will contain the removal of the Blue Paddle road cut and that the town’s road cut will be used by the Blue Paddle patrons, that there is probably no formal agreement other than the Lot line agreement between the Town and the S.H. Congregational Church from 1963 and the fact that the use has been grandfathered. The waste water agreement has been recorded.
  2. Carol Ann Jones host of the Tuesday night music is in favor of the Blue Paddle.


Motion at 8:23PM to recess hearing to June 27 at 7:00 so that the applicant can submit a complete Site Plan, moved by Jim, second by Lisa


  1. Motion to approve the minutes of May 9, 2018, made by Sherry, second by Jim
  2. Administrator’s Report – there will be only the Blue Paddle on June 27, on July 11 there will be a Conditional Use and Site Plan for Candy Lab and Preliminary and possibly Final plat for Lavin. There is a notice of a Flood Plan implementation procedures for zoning representatives – Lisa asked it be e-mailed.


Submitted by Sherry Corbin, June 14, 2018