
September 27, 2021 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes
Regular Meeting of Monday September 27, 2021 at 7:00 PM
At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom

Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman, Skip Brown/Board Secretary, Ross Brown/Vice Chairman,
Chuck Hulse, Anne Zolotas
Board Members Not Present: none
Others Present: Kim Julow, Town Clerk/Treasurer, Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA. Also see sign in sheet of in person and active Zoom participants. Attendance SB 09-27-2021

1. Called to Order:
-The meeting was called by Chairman Carter at 7:00 pm

2. Adjustment to Agenda:

3. Minutes:
-Chuck Hulse made a motion to acknowledge the minutes of the meeting of September 27, 2021. The motion was seconded, all who were in attendance at the last meeting so voted and the motion carried.

4. Public input:
A. none

5. New Business:
A. Janine Bellinghiri of the SHVFD Auxiliary was present to discuss the upcoming Halloween event. They have had “Trunk or Treat” in the past, but due to Covid-19, it may be a drive through event as it was last year. She asked permission to use the parking lot for whatever event occurs. Ross Brown made a motion to allow use of the Folsom Educational and Community Center parking lot from approximately 6:00-7:00 pm on October 31, 2021 to hold a Halloween event. The motion was seconded, all who were in attendance at the last meeting so voted and the motion carried.
B. The Road Department has applied for a $3200.00 grant to purchase a used plate compactor. Ross Brown made a motion to approve and sign the grant paperwork for a plate compactor. The motion was seconded, all who were in attendance at the last meeting so voted and the motion carried.
C. It has been suggested that impact fees be charged for new construction/development, as several surrounding towns have adopted them. Should impact fees be adopted, they have to be designated for specific entities in Town, such as the Worthen Library, South Hero Rescue, South Hero VFD, etc., as they cannot be just added to the general fund. Martha has mentioned that South Hero building permit fees are low compared to other local towns. More information will be forthcoming on this matter at future meetings.

6. Administrative Assistant Report:
A. See the written report filed with these minutes (below on the website, or filed in Town Hall).

7. Old and Ongoing Business:
A. The OSHMH committee will meet with Arnold and Scangas architects on October 7th and a preliminary walkthrough of the building will occur.
B. Regarding ARPA funds, there will be a webinar on October 4 that Chairman Carter has signed up for that will outline steps on how to spend the funds. More info will follow at a future meeting.
C. The canine ordinance was discussed, as VLCT has a new template. Ross Brown made a motion to adopt the new Canine and Wolf Hybrid ordinance as outlined by the VLCT template. The motion was seconded, all who were in attendance at the last meeting so voted and the motion carried. The signed ordinance will be posted as required on the Town website and where necessary as the statute states. 2021 South Hero Dog Ordinance Adopted

8. Announcements and Communications:
A. Note: There will be a Selectboard meeting on October 11. As discussed in the past, meetings will shift to 6:00 pm at the first November meeting.

9. Other Business:
A. Skip Brown made a motion to approve and sign orders 22-07 and to pay the bills associated with the orders. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
B. Town Clerk/Treasurer updates: The Town audit is scheduled for October 18.
C. Recreation Commission (RC) update: The trails subcommittee will meet next month.
D. Road Department update: Martin Rd. improvements are finishing up. All proposed paving projects should be completed by the end of October. Road crew employee Eddie Wendell injured his arm and has been out of work for several months. He has a doctor’s appointment on October 1 and hopes to get clearance to return to work soon.
E. Anne Zolotas made a motion to go into executive session for real estate matters at 8:05pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried. Executive session ended at 9:03. After exiting executive session, no action was taken.

10. Adjournment:
-Anne Zolotas made a motion to adjourn 9:05 pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,                                         Approved by,

_______________________________ ________________________________
Graham Brown                                                       David Carter, Chairman


Administrative Officer’s Report to Selectboard                                               September 27, 2021


Discussion Items:

  1. I received an email today from VT Agency of Natural Resources re a public meeting on Oct 7 from 4:00 to 5:00PM to provide details on $100 Million available in infrastructure and water quality funding for Vermonters. These funds are through the ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act).  The fund is an opportunity to make significant investments in critical infrastructure to support water and sewer systems, affordable housing, and water quality improvements.  Contact the ZA if you’d like the email forwarded to you.
  2. November 29 is a 5th Does the SB want to meet with the DRB and PC that evening?




Planning Commission:

The Planning Commission is now meeting in person but continues to provide a Zoom option for those who prefer.

  1. The PC has requested that the SB include funds in the 2023 fiscal year budget for the required 2023 update to the Town Plan in case we are unable to get a municipal planning grant. This was agreed upon.  David Carter will be the municipal authorizing official (MAO) for the grant application.  Is David already in the GEARS system as an MAO? The deadline for application is Oct 31.  The Commission is discussing focusing on a theme and format for the document and is reviewing recent Town Plans from other communities in Vermont.
  2. Plans for “Weekend in the Islands”, October 9-10, continue. PC member Michele Gammal reported that, as of September 15, there are 33 businesses participating.  Can there be a link on the Town website for the WITI website?
  3. The Planning Commission asks that the Selectboard respond to the petition that was submitted at the SB’s public hearing for the proposed amendments to the Development Regulations on August 23rd.



Development Review Board:

– DRB meetings moved back to in-person meetings at the Town Office on June 23.  The Zoom option will continue to be available.  The Board agreed to make the meeting time of 7PM, moved in June from 6PM, a permanent change.  The earlier time makes it difficult for some members to get there on time.

– I am scheduling DRB hearings into November 2021.  2-lot subdivision Administrative Reviews will be heard on Oct. 13 and 27th.  This new format has made minor subdivision reviews (2 and 3-lot subdivisions) more efficient, requiring only one hearing.

Recent DRB hearing decisions are posted on the Board outside the ZA’s office or can be emailed upon request.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA and Assistant to the Selectboard)