Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, August 20, 2024, 6:30 P.M.
at the South Hero Town Office
and via Zoom
Members: Bob Fireovid, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud
Public attendees: Kathy McGill
1) Call to Order – Bridget called the meeting to order at 6:35p.
2) Public Input (items not on the agenda) – Kathy McGill expressed some concerns about
increased lakeweed on her waterfront parcel, and increased property tax assessment.
The CC recommended she connect with the state and other regional organizations, and
specifically the Georgia shore property value assessment organizations.
3) Finalize Agenda (add agenda item for Emerald Ash Borer Inoculation Discussion? Tabled
for David Hobbes to deliver)
4) Discuss & Clarify CC Budget Allocations for FY 24-25 – There was a discussion regarding
the AVCC grant and issues related to the use and distribution. The CC agreed to address
the issue with the Selectboard and Treasurer regarding grant funding v. municipal
funding and the appropriate accounting for such monies. Mark recommended we table
the budget allocation until we have more information.
5) Natural Resources Inventory – Emily is on vacation and there are no updates to date.
6) Outcome of Aug. 4 Educational Outreach & Planning for the Community Building Kestrel
Nest Boxes Event – Bridget noted that there was a sign-in sheet for the 40+/- people
who attended, although only a few signed in. It was a well-attended event with a great
presentation by Lexie from VINS.
The CC discussed when and where to plan a kestrel nest box building event. VINS may
supply pre-cut boards or kits, and Mark will pursue a local resident woodworker to
support the event. There was discussion about the Folsom gym, the library, or other
large rooms for a box construction event.
7) Tiny Grant: Progress Reports due Dec. 15 & May 1, Closeout Requirements – The grant
requires some timely reporting, including a Conservation Success story.
8) CC Membership Effort – Bridget had a short piece published in the Islander for August
22, 2024 edition as outreach for membership recruitment. Cynthia recommended we
use the library as an outreach opportunity and will follow up.
9) Approve minutes from July 16 meeting – Bridget moved with a n edit regarding the
AVCC grant amount be consistent at $600. Cynthis 2d. Unanimous consent.
10) Announcements & Preparation for Next Meeting (September 17—3rd Annual Meeting)
– Bridget remarked that she shares other organizations’ events and newsletters. The
Friends of Northern Lake Champlain has a relatively new ED, Bridget Butler, the “bird
diva,” who has been very effective at communications and other efforts. She expressed
concern that there were many organizations working on issues of concern for the CC
and how do we connect better?
The South Hero Wastewater Committee is resuming its efforts with testing at Allenholm
Bridget indicated that she was planning to resign effective at the next Commission
meeting. Bob asked whether there was opportunity to reallocate any work load
amongst other members.
11) Adjourn – The meeting was adjourned at 7:58. Bridget moved and Bob 2d. Unanimous.