« back The Australian ballot vote was held Tuesday March 7, 2017 at South Hero Town Hall. See below for the full results. Town Reports can be found here.
Town Meeting Ballot Results
MODERATOR – TOWN (1 year) |
Timothy Maxham |
458 |
SELECTMAN (3 years) |
David Carter |
268 |
Ross Brown |
232 |
SELECTMAN (2 years) |
Anne C. Zolotas |
447 |
H. Ohmer Corbin |
279 |
Peter R. Yates |
479 |
Kenneth C. Kowalewitz |
455 |
Richard Breault |
458 |
Everett Dubuque |
448 |
NO |
ARTICLE 1: To elect Town Officers as required by law. |
503 |
9 |
ARTICLE 2: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $885,655 of which $697,605 will be raised by taxes for the General Town expenses for the year ending June 30, 2018? |
413 |
98 |
ARTICLE 3: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $510,454 of which $457,079 will be raised by taxes for the Highway expenses for the year ending June 30, 2018? |
382 |
127 |
ARTICLE 4: Will the legal voters of the Ton of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $77,118 of which $77,098 will be raised by taxes for the Town Library expenses for the year ending June 30, 2018? |
389 |
121 |
ARTICLE 5: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $12,500 to be raised by taxes for the Town Cemetery expenses for the year ending June 30, 2018? |
443 |
63 |
ARTICLE 6: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $140,000 to be raised by taxes to upgrade the Ambulance for the South Hero Rescue? |
437 |
73 |
ARTICLE 7: Shall the legal voters of the Town of South Hero approve the separation of the School and Town Libraries, that currently exist as the South Hero Community Library, so that the Town Library will exist as a Municipal Library separate and apart from the School Library with the Library Board of Trustees of the separate Municipal Library consisting of five (5) members to be elected by the voters of the Town of South Hero at the annual Town Meeting (except that the members currently serving on the South Hero Community Library Board of Trustees shall serve out their respective present terms as members of the Library Board of Trustees of the separate Municipal Library)? |
341 |
166 |
School District Meeting Ballot Results
Timothy Maxham |
463 |
Melanie Henderson |
432 |
David Cain |
451 |
NO |
(Articles 1-3 were part of the informational Town Meeting held on Saturday & were not on the Australian Ballot) |
ARTICLE 4: Shall the voters of the Town of South Hero Town School District approve the school board to expend $3,710,797 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $15,474 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 3.81% higher than spending for the current year. |
278 |
233 |
ARTICLE 5: To elect all School Officers as required by Law. |
484 |
22 |