« back The Australian ballot vote was held Tuesday March 3, 2015 at South Hero Town Hall. See below for the full results. Town Reports can be found here.
Town Meeting Ballot Results
MODERATOR – TOWN (1 year) |
Timothy Maxham |
557 |
SELECTMAN (3 years) |
Jonathan Shaw |
322 |
Peter S. Gregg |
188 |
SELECTMAN (2 years) |
Anne C. Zolotas |
530 |
TOWN CLERK (3 years) |
Sharon B. Roy |
545 |
TOWN TREASURER (3 years) |
Sharon B. Roy |
534 |
LISTER (3 years) |
Cecile R. Gove |
552 |
Kenneth C. Kowalewitz |
552 |
Neil R. Hazen |
547 |
H. Ohmer Corbin |
578 |
TOWN AGENT (1 year) |
Peter R. Yates |
580 |
CONSTABLE (1 year) |
Everett Dubuque |
550 |
NO |
ARTICLE 1: To elect Town Officers as required by law. |
607 |
7 |
ARTICLE 2: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $866,260 of which $695,220 will be raised by taxes for the General Town expenses for the year ending June 30, 2016? |
479 |
139 |
ARTICLE 3: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $432,341 of which $402,311 will be raised by taxes for the Highway expenses for the year ending June 30, 2016? |
495 |
119 |
ARTICLE 4: Will the legal voters of the Ton of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $65,260 of which $65,240 will be raised by taxes for the Town Library expenses for the year ending June 30, 2016? |
493 |
120 |
ARTICLE 5: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $5,000 to be raised by taxes for the Town Cemetery expenses for the year ending June 30, 2016? |
548 |
64 |
ARTICLE 6: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $60,000 to be raised by taxes to be used for paving and/or resurfacing? |
470 |
141 |
ARTICLE 7: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $1,950 in support of the Islands Arts activities? |
405 |
207 |
ARTICLE 8: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero vote to expend a sum of $1,000 a year to be raised by taxes for the Capitol Fund for the Library? |
471 |
141 |
ARTICLE 9: Will the legal voters of the Town of South Hero authorize the Selectboard to borrow an amount not to exceed $440,000 plus closing costs for the purpose of purchasing +/-75 acres of land at 275 Route 2 currently owned by Martin & Patricia Lavin. This amount will be financed over a period of 5 years. |
237 |
379 |
School District Meeting Ballot Results
Timothy Maxham |
559 |
Bernadette R. Toth |
528 |
SCHOOL CLERK (3 years) |
Sharon B. Roy |
546 |
Sharon B. Roy |
538 |
NO |
(Articles 1-4 were part of the informational Town Meeting held on Saturday & were not on the Australian Ballot) |
ARTICLE 5: Shall the voters of the Town of South Hero Town School District appropriate $3,424,804.54 necessary for the support of schools for the year beginning July 1, 2015? |
391 |
218 |
ARTICLE 6: To elect all School Officers as required by Law? |
588 |
13 |