
September 6, 2017 PC Draft Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION DRAFT MINUTES                           September 6, 2017


Members present: D. Patterson (Chair); S. Gregg; D. Roy; B. Kerr [absent: R. Henry]

DRB members present: T. Maxham; J. Brightwell; G. Hunt; S. Corbin; L. Kilcoyne; R. Brown; R. Krebs

Public Present: G. Delano; P. Delano


7:02 – D. Patterson called the meeting to order


Changes to the Agenda

There were no changes


Continued Discussion with the DRB on the Draft Development Regulations

The Boards continued the discussion from August 23.  Section 303 – Site Plan Review includes new language regarding the requirement for site plan review for all excavation, filling, and grading involving more than 100cy of material.  The Boards agreed that this section needs more discussion regarding the proper minimum amount – more than 100cy?  How much? Is this required for only commercial applications or for residential, also?

Should ‘Excavation’ be included in Table 2.1 – Allowed Uses, with a reference to the specific Section in the Notes column?  Are there exceptions and where should those be noted?  Should an additional sub-section E be added to Section 204 (Land Uses) for Excavation with information on what may require further DRB review?

There were questions on format, suggesting the use of bullet points instead of text to help clarify the text.  It was also agreed to add a requirement that all application materials for any DRB review be submitted in pdf format in addition to hard copies.

            Under Section 304 – Planned Unit Developments there was discussion about the definition and use of open space.  Questions included protection of open space/common land, who/what is a ‘single-ownership’?  What are the agricultural limitations for the use of the space?  and, can open space have easements to allow the Town to use the space?  Jim Brightwell agreed to research this further.

            Discussion on Section 305 – Setback Waivers included removing driveways and parking areas from this section since those have no setback requirements anyway.  The Boards agreed that the review standards for this section needed further review and discussion.


The Boards will meet again at the Planning Commission’s September 20, 2017 regular meeting to continue the review, beginning with Article IV – Subdivision Review.


Review of Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to accept the minutes from the July 5, 2017 Planning Commission meeting; D. Roy second.  Motion approved.


Public Input

The Commission discussed the possibility of an interim Zoning bylaw regarding the sale of fireworks in South Hero.  A location on US Rt 2 in South Hero village has been proposed for a fireworks retail business.  Members agreed to recommend the Selectboard consider an interim zoning bylaw to give the Planning Commission additional time to consider how/if there should be restrictions added to the Development Regulations regarding this type of business.


Administrator’s Report

The ZA had no further report


9:35 – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  Motion passed.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, Zoning Administrator



Signed: ___________________________________ Date: _____________________

                        For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled Planning Commission meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.