
September 26, 2022 SB Minutes

Selectboard Minutes

Regular Meeting of Monday September 26, 2022 at 7:00 PM

At South Hero Town Hall and via Zoom


Board Members Present: David Carter/Chairman (via Zoom), Ross Brown/Vice Chairman, Chuck Hulse; Anne Zolotas (via Zoom).

Board Members Not Present: Skip Brown.

Others Present:  Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA; Peter Zamore (via Zoom); David Roy, Tim Maxham; Bob Monette (Green Mountain Marathon), Mary Harwood, Ron Phelps.


  1. Called to Order:

-The meeting was called to order by Chair David Carter at 7:00 pm


  1. Adjustment to Agenda:



  1. Minutes:

Chuck Hulse moved to approve the minutes of September 12, 2022; Ross Brown second.  All in favor.


  1. Public input:
  2. none


  1. New Business:
  2. A. Bob Monette of Green Mountain Marathon met with the Board to confirm preparations for the marathon and ½-marathon to be held on October 16, starting at 9AM. The course will be up and back, beginning on South St., then going up West Shore Rd. to beyond the ferry and back. They expect a total of 500 runners and volunteers.  Use of the facilities (kitchen) at Folsom have not been confirmed yet
  3. B. David Roy met with the Board to update the current status of ARPA committee work. David explained that other municipalities are using their funds for municipal infrastructure/equipment/facilities. David will return to the October 10 meeting with results of the ARPA committee’s survey, after the Planning Commission reviews them and makes recommendations. David Carter stressed that there will be public hearings to gather input before the Selectboard makes specific recommendations and allocations of the funds.
  4. C. Mary Harwood met with the Board to discuss temporary assistance to the Town in managing grants until a possible future Town Administrator is able to take over. She will contact Zoning Administrator Martha Taylor-Varney and Treasurer Jim Julow to meet within the next couple of weeks to begin the process.
  5. D. The attending Board members signed a Northwest Regional Planning Commission Assistance Agreement for Highway Grants to assist the Town’s Highway Department in managing their grants.
  6. E. Peter Zamore explained that the loan for the Wastewater Feasibility Study is 100% forgivable if a future project is not built. The $48,020.00 loan agreement was signed y the attending members of the Selectboard. Peter anticipates a meeting soon with Wastewater Committee members and consultant Otter Brook Associates where recommendations for possible locations will be discussed.


  1. Administrative Assistant Report:
  2. A. See the written report filed with these minutes (Below on the website or in Town Hall).
  3. B. The Board asked that the Zoning Administrator send a letter supporting the Town of Milton’s site plan review application to relocate the entrance to Sandbar State Park on US RT 2.
  4. C. Chuck Hulse asked if VTrans would consider expanding the safety study of US RT 2 from Landon Rd. to RT 314, due to the numerous changes of speed throughout the length of RT 2 between the Milton/S. Hero line and RT 314. Martha will contact VTrans with the Board’s request.


  1. Old and Ongoing Business:
  2. The Board is considering creating a new position for a Town Administrator, who would be under the direction of the Selectboard. David Carter stressed the new position would help streamline the work of the Town, but also suggested that the position should have responsibility for grant administration, including researching available grants and writing grants.  The Board will review the job description and continue discussion at the October 10 meeting.
  3. There was discussion on the local options tax, approved by the voters in March. David has spoken with Sen. Mazza and Vermont League of Cities and Towns about options to implement the tax.  Chuck Hulse asked if there was a way to get the tax approved just for South Hero rather than waiting for a state-wide decision by the Legislature.  Investigating options for implementation will continue.


  1. Announcements and Communications:
  2. The Board discussed appointing a new representative to the Northwest Communications Union District. This will be added to the October 10, 2022, Selectboard agenda.



  1. Other Business:
  2. A. Chuck Hulse made a motion to sign order #23/07. Ross Brown seconded. All in favor.
  3. B. No update from the Town Clerk or Treasurer.
  4. C. Recreation Commission meets next on September 27 at the Town Office.
  5. Road Dept. Update – The Highway Dept. is finishing up ditching work on Kibbe Point Rd. The speed cart on loan from VTrans will be placed by the 40mph sign on RT 2 by the Apple Island golf course.  Ross Brown reported that repairs need to be made to the Town garage (rotted gables) and recommended that these repairs be made, and a metal roof added before the structure is painted.  He suggested the font remain white, but the rest of the structure be painted barn red.  No estimates yet on costs.
  6. Old Meeting House Update – David Carter reported that the committee has been talking to potential donors and will be mailing a fundraising letter in the next 2 weeks. There was discussion about a Front Porch Forum comment about the name of the Meeting House – whether White had been historically included in the name. David stated that there is nothing in historic documents that have ever referenced White in the name of the structure in South Hero records.  David also reported that he will have a copy of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) at the next meeting regarding obligations of all parties (Town and Granny’s Attic) in the event of future construction.
  7. F. ARPA – above under 5B.
  8. G. Wastewater Committee updates – above under 5E.



  1. Adjournment:

– Ross Brown made a motion to adjourn at 8:23 pm; second by Chuck Hulse.  All in favor.





Respectfully submitted, __________________________       Approved by, __________________________

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA                                                David Carter, Chair

