
September 23, 2024 Agenda

Selectboard Agenda
Regular Meeting of Monday September23, 2024
In Town Hall, at 7:00 PM
Or Zoom: sign into
For the 2nd Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 946 0312 5738 – Use Passcode: 077949
For the 4th Monday of the month, this is the sign in: 984 1698 7296 – Use Passcode: 799123
David Carter, Chairman,
David Lane, Graham “Skip” Brown, Anne Zolotas, Steve Robinson

1. Call to Order

2. Adjustment to Agenda
A. If necessary

3. Acknowledgment of Minutes
A. Meeting September 9, 2024

4. Public Input

5. New Business and invited guests
A. Peter Zamore to update on the Wastewater committee findings
B. Phil Scott of the Rec. Comm. to discuss beach tree removals and possible grant for replacement trees
C. Discuss the RFP and pending estimates for the new Town Hall project and next steps
D. Discuss the estimate from Clay Point Assoc. for a hazardous material inspection of Town Hall and Craft Shop
E. Discuss craft shop furnace cleaning

6. Reports of Officers
A. Review written report from the ZA + Town Administrator
B. Review and sign mobile vendor license(s), if necessary
C. Review applications and appoint Planning Commission member(s), if any
7. Ongoing and Old Business

8. Announcements and Communications
A. As necessary

9. Other Business and standing agenda items
A. Sign order(s)
B. Town Clerk/Treasurer update, if necessary
C. Recreation Commission update, if necessary
D. Road department update, if necessary
E. Review next steps for Old South Hero Meeting House, if necessary
F. Discuss any Lister updates, if necessary
G. Review Wastewater Committee updates, if necessary
H. Town Hall project committee updates: Consider adopting Declaration of Official Intent relative to bond
I. Tree warden updates: Discuss estimates received for tree work on Keeler Bay Rd and beach
J. Executive session for legal zoning matter + any action taken after the executive session
K. Executive session for real estate matters + any action taken after the executive session

10. Adjournment