
Sept. 17, 2024 Rec. Comm. Minutes

South Hero Recreation Commission Meeting

Minutes September 17, 2024

Zoom Meeting

Members present: Philip Scott, Dylan Degree, Carol Tremble, Rosemary Zamore, jessicaJackson, Ann Zolotas, Sue Arquin


1. Call to order 7:07 pm

2. Adjustments to the agenda. None


Whites Beach Shoreline Stabilization

Ann Z: We need to make recommendations to the Select board. DJ’S quote $13,900

Trees for removal are tagged. They are old, diseased and unsafe. One came down in the most recent windstorm. Leaving stumps is required. Do not need a permit.

Funding options available to replant.

Bill Baron suggested replanting silver maple, red maple, poplar

Friends of Lake Champlain will be at the selectboard meeting on Monday to discuss replacement trees. Tree warden has $ to contribute. Money in our budget, too.

Sue will look into grants and deadlines. Guy Maguire is a good resource.

Phil will attend the Select Board meeting on Monday, September 23

Any requests for money must go to Jessica to submit to the town treasurer,

Kim Julow

Budget : New picnic table was installed. Not enough ARPA $ to buy another one. Needs to be clarified. Can ARPA $ be used for part of a purchase? Jessica will ask Kim.

Phil will ask Green Mountain concession if they will pick up trash next year.

Ski and Ride. Dylan – Eric is on board. Clean up payment procedures.

Yogi’s budget has increased from $1000-$1700.

Rec Commision can make available up to $4000 for tree replacement. $1200 not spent for sailing lessons. $3000 from town park not spent.

Ann Z recommended waiting before we curtail projects since the Town owns the beach.

$137,000 ARPA funds available for Town Park.

Nate Hayward is working on getting septic for Town park. Should be in place by the end of the year.

Phil will ask Selectboard to add Carol Tremble to the commission.

Items for next meeting: Guy Maguire to attend and talk about town trails.

Ski and ride updates.

Volleyball needs building watchers, possibly but new nets, balls

Meeting adjourned 7:48 pm