
October 7, 2020 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           October 7, 2020


Members Present: Dour Patterson, Sandy Gregg, David Roy, Michele Gammal, Jonathan Shaw

Public Present: Tim Maxham, Beth Curtis, Jim Bond, Molly Varner (Grand Isle County Natural Resource Conservation District) via telephone, and Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)




6:00 – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

  1. Jim Bond, 7 Martin Rd., will be selling his property, consisting of a circa 1860 home and outbuildings, and discussed with the Commission ideas for its possible future community use by the Town. Ideas included additional parking for cars with bikes to help alleviate the parking issues on Martin Rd. at the entrance of the Allen Point access road.  He proposed a recreation easement for bikes from the access road directly to a parking area on his lot that could help to alleviate congestion down the first ¼ mile from the Martin Rd. entrance.  This easement would cross some other properties and Mr. Bond offered to talk with those landowners to gauge interest.  Other possibilities for the property include use of the barn as a Town museum, for use by Granny’s Attic, conversion to a hostel for use by visitors, or as a B&B. He has contacted Local Motion and Vermont Fish and Wildlife to present his ideas to their Boards.  The Commission will continue the discussion at their next meeting.
  2. Molly Varner, Project Manager for the Grand Isle County Natural Resource Conservation District, called into the meeting to discuss grant opportunities to address water quality in the lake. Keeler Bay had been highlighted in the 2020 Tactical Basin Study, increasing the chances of being awarded grants.  Grants could include a water analysis for Keeler Bay or a stormwater masterplan.   Gregg suggested a study on private or commercial wastewater systems, including lakefront camps.  Molly will explore what grants may fit and see if there is interest and follow up with Sandy.


Mobile Vendors Ordinance

Edits and changes had been made per discussion from the previous meeting.  Approval will require a conditional use and site plan review by the DRB (as an Accessory Use) for the location and an annual license for the vendor.  An application form for the vendor will be needed.  Enforcement will be revocation of the license.  There will be no fees as penalties.





Review Draft Zoning Forms

The Commission members reviewed draft zoning application forms for Preliminary Site Plan review, Major Subdivision Sketch Plan review, and Conditional Use and Final Site Plan review.  After minor edits the Commission approved the drafts to be presented to the Selectboard for their approval.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to approve the minutes from the September 16, 2020 meeting; J. Shaw second. All present on 9/16/20 approve. D. Roy did not attend.


Administrator’s Report

  1. The Commission meetings will continue to be held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at 6PM.
  2. The November meeting schedule will not be affected by any holidays.



  1. Gregg moved to adjourn; J. Shaw second. All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ______________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.