
October 4 Planning Commission minutes



Members attending: D. Patterson; R. Henry; D. Roy; B. Kerr

Member Absent: S. Gregg

Public Attending: S. Corbin; J. Brightwell; R. Brown; R. Krebs; N. Hayward; L. Kilcoyne; T. Maxham (all DRB); and G. Rice (Selectboard)


7:03PM — D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Continue Review of Development Regulations proposed updates with DRB and Selectboard

The review continued with Article 5 (General Regulations).  There was discussion regarding the difference between the definition of ‘General Regulations’ and ‘Development Standards’ (the proposed title of Article 6).  Should General Regulations be referenced as only for residential development, and Development Standards for all commercial development?  It was decided that there needs to be an emphasis that these apply only to development that requires DRB review.  In Sec. 502 (Abandonment and Restoration), the word ‘conditional’ will be added before ‘use’, with a note that it does not apply to residential structures.

There was considerable discussion about whether the Town should take over a private road if it has been built to Town road standards, how the Town could regulate the increasing number of homes built on a private road, and how many parcels can be served by a driveway before it must be upgraded to a road?  Proposed language allows a driveway (Sec. 503 — Driveways and Access to Lots) to serve up to 3 parcels.  There were suggestions that the driveway standards should only apply to driveways that serve 2 or 3 parcels/homes, and that the definition of ‘driveways’ be divided into ‘access roads’ and ‘driveways,’ depending on how many parcels are served.  Additional questions concerning driveways: 1) Should driveway widths be regulated?, 2) Should driveways that serve only one house have to meet the driveway standards?, 3) Does regulation prevent development?, 4) Should there be 2 standards for driveways?  It was discussed that the driveway standards should only apply to driveways that serve 2 or 3 parcels.  There was additional discussion on emergency access of driveways, where parcels fronting onto 2 roads should have an access, and multi-household dwelling units.  All rights-of-way will be required to be 50 feet wide.   This section will require further thought from the Planning Commission.

In Sec. 505 (Non-Conforming Structures and Non-Conforming Uses), the format needs to be clarified so text refers to pictures that are on the same page.  Setback waivers will be considered for the Rural-Residential District in addition to the Shoreland and new Village Districts.  Should Outdoor Lighting (Sec.506) regulations be for all development or should it not apply to residential development?  Sec. 507 (Off-Street Parking Space Requirements) includes more clarification has been added to Table 5.1 (Minimum Parking Ratios), adding more uses and breaking down ‘Commercial,’ ‘Industrial,’ and ‘Public Assembly and Recreation’ into more specific uses.  In the Performance Standards in Sec. 508, the Boards suggested combining language under a new heading ‘Air Quality’ and adding a new heading ‘Water Quality.’  In Sec. 509 (Wastewater and Potable Water Supply), it was recommended to add an extra sub-heading for situations when a new wastewater permit is not required, and that, for existing systems, the applicant shall still be required to meet the State standards.


The Boards will continue to review the draft at the next Planning Commission meeting on October 18, 2017 at 7PM.



  1. Roy moved to accept the minutes from the September 20, 2017 meeting; B. Kerr second.  All in favor.


Elect Co-Chair

  1. Henry moved to nominate S. Gregg to replace G. Delano as Co-Chair of the Planning Commission; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Public Input

There was none.


Old/New Business

Martha updated the Board members on the status of the Interim Zoning Bylaw which will have a public hearing on October 9, 2017 at the regular second-Monday Selectboard meeting.  There has been no contact from the gentleman who had earlier expressed interest in a fireworks distribution business since he asked about the review process 3 weeks ago.


9:34 PM – D. Roy moved to adjourn; R. Henry second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.