
October 27, 2021 DRB Minutes




MEMBERS PRESENT:  Tim Maxham (Chair), Doug Patterson (V. Chair), Liza Kilcoyne, Bill Rowe, Mike Welch, Nate Hayward & Jim Brightwell via zoom.


PUBLIC PRESENT:  Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA), Bob Fireovid, Susanna Jaegar, Frances & Paul Martin, Shaun Robinson from Vt Digger (via Zoom), Bridgett Kerr (via Zoom).


7:00 PM – Meeting was called to order by Tim Maxham.


Changes to Agenda:  There were none.


Administrative Review of a 2 Lot subdivision at 41 South Street for Frances & Paula Martin (2-23SS041)


Introductions were made, the warning was read and the interested persons were sworn in.

The application was presented to the Board by Martha Taylor-Varney.  The application is for a 2 lot subdivision of a 1.92 acre parcel at 41 South Street. The parcel includes a 3 bedroom home and is in the South Hero Village Zoning District.  It was determined that, with requested waivers approved by the Board and the correction on the survey plat of the road codes for the adjacent properties, the proposal met all requirements of the Article 4, Section 404A (Minor Subdivision) of the South Hero Development Regulations, adopted March 31, 2020.  The actual review was conducted by the Administrative Office on October 6, 2021.

One question that came up from Bill Rowe after Martha’s review was whether or not the lot 2 was subject to the new Village Regulations.  He was asking about the setback requirements being 10 to 40 feet from the road right of way.  After much discussion the Board acknowledged this was a subdivision permit request and not a building permit or waiver hearing.  The discussion about where the house would be built would be in the conditions of approval and would state that the building location may require a setback waiver review at that time.

Doug Patterson commented on the surveyors not having their certification seal on the map and the Wastewater Plan not having their metes and bounds information.  The board agreed that we needed to have the Surveyors Certification on the map.



Public Input:  Frances & Paul Martin spoke to clarify what they would be required to do when it was time to build the house.


Susanna Jaegar from 35 South Street spoke about her concerns with the subdivision, changes in the town of South Hero and the proposed placement of the house the Martins were going to be building.   She had mentioned that she would be losing a lot of her privacy in her yard and was concerned about a large Willow Tree that would probably need to be cut down to accommodate for the new septic system.  Martha said that Susanna had sent an email in along with a picture and she wanted it to be entered into record.   Lisa Kilcoyne moved to enter such email and Mike Welch second.  All in favor.


Tim asked for a motion to close the hearing .   Lisa Kilcoyne moved to close hearing and Nate Hayward second.  All in favor.  Hearing closed to public at 8:10PM


Old Business:  Lisa Kilcoyne moved to accept the Frost Subdivision Mylar and Bill Rowe second.  All in favor.


Review of Minutes:  Doug Patterson moved to approve the minutes of the October 13 ,2021 meeting and Bill Rowe second.  All in favor.


Administrator’s Review:


  1. There will be no meetings in November. There are no hearings on the 10th and the 24th is for the Thanksgiving Holiday.  There also will be no meeting on December 22nd due to the Christmas Holiday.


  1. There will be a special meeting however for all the Boards to participate on November 29th at 6PM.


Adjournment:  8:33 PM Doug Patterson moved to adjourn; Nate Hayward second.  All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Susan Arguin/Clerk




Signed:__________________________________________Date:_______________________                                    For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.