
October 2, 2024 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                       October 2, 2024


Members Present: David Roy (Chair); Don Bedard (Vice-Chair); Michele Gammal; Brooke Scott

Others Present: Joan Falcao; Michael Frett; Martha Tayor-Varney (ZA)


7:00 PM – D. Roy called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.  The addition of the Hazard Mitigation Plan had been added to the agenda prior to the meeting and the agenda on the Town webpage had been updated.


Public Comment

There was none.


Old Business

Continue Discussion Begun at the September 11, 2024 Public Meeting re Sidewalks/Bike Lanes: 

  1. Roy said that he felt the meeting had good attendance and comments and was very positive. The discussion of a sidewalk/bike path on South St. is worth pursuing. B. Scott commented that he agreed.  There will need to be some consideration to design.  M.  Gammal asked of there was already some new signage up on South St. re bikes.  The idea should be a multi-purpose path.  It would be short sighted to have just a sidewalk.  Should Local Motion be part of the planning?  D. Bedard commented on the amount of bike traffic on South St. this late in the season, still coming from the bike ferry.  D. Roy will bring a large-format print of South St. from RT 2 to the school for the Commission to begin drafting possibilities for location and type of path.  He will ask Phil Scott of the Recreation Commission to attend.
  2. Gammal asked that the Town repaint the crosswalk on South St. at the school. D. Roy will ask the Town Administrator. D. Bedard will follow up with Kyle Grenier at NRPC about the sidewalks on RT 2 and VTrans’ plans for those?  D. Roy said a feasibility study will be needed to determine the location on South St. and costs.  Could a portion of the option tax be applied to this?


New Business

  • Letter of Interest for new Planning Commission member: Joan Falcao introduced herself and gave the Commission members some background. She has experience on a park and rec board in Greenville, _____. She expressed that there needs to be more input from South St. residents regarding the proposed walk/bike path and that she likes doing surveys and going door-to-door.  She is a long-time biker and wants to get more involved in bike-related issues.  What facilities does the Town provide for bikers (bathrooms, water, etc.)?  Roy expects that the proposed Town Park will be able to provide some of this.


  1. Gammal moved to recommend that the Selectboard appoint Joan Falcao to complete the term Planning Commission begun by Sandy Gregg, expiring May 31, 2026; B. Scott second. All in favor.


  • Hazard Mitigation Plan – Assign PC member to the Committee: Roy will be the Commission’s representative on the Hazard Mitigation Committee to update the Town’s expired plan.
  • Zoning Administrator’s term ending on October 31. Nominate for another 3-year term?
  1. Bedard moved to recommend that the Selectboard reappoint Martha Taylor-Varney to another term as South Hero Zoning Administrator; B. Scott second. Three members approved: one abstained.


Approve Minutes of August 21, 2024 and September 11, 2024 (special meeting)

  1. Bedard moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting on August 21 2024 (with one correction – date); M. Gammal second. All in favor.


  1. Bedard moved to approve the minutes from the September 11, 2024 special meeting; M. Gammal second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

Martha Taylor-Varney reported that she had attended a Zoning Roundtable on September 19 hosted by NRPC.  Topics included changes to Open Meeting Law and Act 250 (Act 181).

  • The Planning Commission is an advisory board whose meetings can be remote only, in-person only, or hybrid. There is no requirement to record meetings.  The Commission will continue with hybrid meetings and will record the meetings.
  • In Act 181, each community will have a housing goal, to be identified by the Regional Planning Commissions.
  • Parking space dimensions are now 9’x18’, reduced in length from 20’.
  • The DRB cannot include “character of the area” when conducting a conditional use review of 3 to 4-family dwellings. This only affects our Rural Residential and Shoreland Zoning Districts.
  • New FEMA maps for Grand Isle County are due this month. Local Development Regulations must reflect any changes by October 2026.


Next Meeting

October 16, 2024. D. Roy asked B. Scott to research width requirements for multi-use path for the next meeting.


7:02PM – D. Bedard moved to adjourn; B. Scott second.  All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ___________________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.