
October 14, 2024 SB Minutes

SOUTH HERO SELECTBOARD MINUTES                                                October 14, 2024


Members Present: David Carter (Chair); David Lane (Vice-Chair); Steve Robinson; Anne Zolotas

Member Absent: Graham “Skip” Brown

Others Present: Tim Maxham; Joan Falcao; Ron Phelps; Jordan Matte; Ted Nelson; Sue Arguin (Town Administrator); Martha Taylor-Varney (Zoning Administrator).


Call to Order

7:00 PM — D. Carter called the meeting to order.


Adjustment to Agenda

The executive session is for a legal rather than real estate matter.


Acknowledgement of Minutes

  1. Robinson moved to approve the minutes of September 23, 2024; A. Zolotas second. All in favor.


Public Input

There was none.


New Business and Invited Guests

  1. Ted Nelson and Jordan Matte of Vermont Appraisal Company (VAC) will conduct the town’s real estate appraisal with the Listers. There are 1250 parcels in South Hero.  The last full appraisal was in 2019, before values accelerated.  Ted Nelson told the Board that lakefront properties’ values have gone up more than those not on the lake, but the CLA has dropped enough to mandate a new appraisal.  The fee will average $97.81 per parcel.  Carter asked if the Listers will need additional equipment (computers, etc.)? No, the existing should be adequate. Appraisals will be completed in time for the 2027 grand list. Joan Falcao asked if inspections would include indoor inspections? VAC prefers both inside and outside inspections, but the homeowner has the right to refuse an indoor inspection.


**A. Zolotas moved to approve VAC to conduct the appraisal; D. Lane second.  All in favor.

  1. Steve Hilfiker of VHB explained that original test wells at the closed landfill on Dubuque Lane must be monitored annually, generally in October, and additional monitoring for PFAS contamination is conducted twice a year (Oct. and May), since concentrations may vary throughout the year. VHB’s amended cost estimate adds $23,700.  Zolotas asked to accompany VHB on their testing visit next week.  Steve Hilfiker agreed.

** A. Zolotas moved to sign the VHB contract; D. Lane second.  All in favor.


  1. ** S. Robinson moved to appoint Martha Taylor-Varney to another 3-year term as Zoning Administrator; Lane second. All in favor.
  2. In the wake of recent ‘Zoom-bomb’ situations in other VT towns, the Board agreed to add a waiting room for Zoom attendees before they can enter a Zoom meeting.
  3. The Board signed the contract with AES for planning and architectural design for the new Town Office.
  4. **A. Zolotas moved to approve the liquor license for Stewart’s Shops who has recently purchased Jolley convenience sores and gas stations; D. Lane second. All in favor.


Reports of Officers

  1. The Zoning Administrator’s report is added as an attachment to the SB minutes on the Town website. The Town Administrator had no report.
  2. There were no mobile vendor licenses to sign.
  3. The Board approved appointing Joan Falcao to the Planning Commission to complete a term to expire in June 2026.


Ongoing Business

There was none.


Announcements and Communications

There were none.


Other Business

  1. **A. Zolotas moved to sign orders #25-08; Robinson second. All in favor.
  2. Town Administrator Sue Arguin told the Board that she is scheduling people for the FY2026 budget discussions, to begin at the October 28 meeting and will finish by the end of November.
  3. No report from the Rec Commission.
  4. -A. Zolotas told the Board that the Highway Department is looking for approval to begin a search for a new tandem dump truck to replace the single axel truck. They will not begin without Board approval.  These take two years to deliver.  The cost if paid today is $315,000. How much is in the department’s equipment fund? No information.  No decision at this meeting.

A. Zolotas also reported that the walls of the salt shed are up.  They are waiting for the wind to die before putting up the trusses.

-Highway Department employee evaluations were conducted by A. Zolotas and D. Lane last week and were positive.

  1. Grannies Attic will be moving their contents out of the Meeting House into storage   containers.   The Board discussed the proposed location for the containers and will discuss a memorandum of understanding with Nate Hayward.
  2.  There was no Listers report.
  3. No Wastewater Committee report.
  4. Haz mat inspections were conducted at the Town Office and Craft Shop last week, as part of the planning for the new town office.
  5.    A tree on Keeler Bay Rd. and 6 to 8 at the town beach will be removed.
  6.   **A. Zolotas moved to executive session; S. Robinson second.  All in favor.


8:30 PM – exit executive session.


8:30 PM – A. Zolotas moved to adjourn; S. Robinson second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: __________________________________________ Date: _______________________

For the Selectboard



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.
