
October 12, 2022 DRB Minutes

SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOOARD MINUTES                         October 12, 2022

Members Present: Tim Maxham (Chair); Doug Patterson (Vice-Chair); Nate Hayward, Mike Welch, Liza Kilcoyne; Sherry Corbin (Alternate); Ellie Reid (Alternate).

Public Present: Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)

7PM – Chair T. Maxham called the meeting to order.

Changes to the Agenda – There were none.

Public Input – None

Old Business – None

Review of MinutesM. Welch moved to approve the minutes of September 28, 2022; D. Patterson second.  All in favor.

Administrator’s Report

  1. CIDER asked the Board if they would approve allowing them to replace parking signage for CIDER parking spaces with “CIDER only” painted on the asphalt. The Board agreed.
  2. ZA Martha Taylor-Varney told the Board that she will be out of the office the week of the October 24 meeting. There will be one hearing that night and no deliberations. Someone will need to be the Zoom administrator that night.  Kilcoyne volunteered to do that.  Martha will arrange for someone to take the minutes.

Adjournment (7:11PM) L. Kilcoyne moved to adjourn and move to deliberative; M. Welch second.  All in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


Signed: ________________________________________ Date: _________________________


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.