
May 8, 2024 DRB Minutes

SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD MINUTES                         May 8, 2024


Members Present: Tim Maxham (Chair); Doug Patterson (Vice-Chair); Mike Welch; Jim Brightwell; Liza Kilcoyne; Tim Mullen.

Others Present: Israel Smith; Mark Frier (via Zoom); Zeberiah Snow; Linda Kinney; Kim Kinney; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA).



7:00 PM – T. Maxham called the meeting to order and introduced the Board members.



Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


Request for Setback Waiver at 13 Providence Island – Mark Frier (#24-63-PI013)

The warning was read and interested persons sworn in. Israel Smith of Smith Buckley Architects presented the application for Mark Frier, owner of 13 Providence Island.  He explained that their only request was for an increase in the structure’s height from the previously approved (2019) 25’6” to 26’11”.  The new owners are forced to work within the limitations of a steel platform driven into the slope during construction for a previously approved replacement home on this lot.  The new proposal will replace a flat roof with a sloped shed roof, part of which extends into the lake setback.  The home’s footprint will remain the same within the non-conforming space as the original structure had been.  There will be minor changes to the original footprint within the conforming space of the lot.  D. Patterson noted that the floor level of the new platform is higher than that of the original structure.  Israel Smith said that a wood structure will be built on top of the steel frame. The current elevation of the floor is 122’11”.  The average grade was determined from survey contours around the site.   The proposed pitch of the new shed roof is 2 on 12.  Mark Frier told the Board that they wanted a roof pitch that would be enough to shed snow and didn’t want less pitch than they were requesting.  Israel Smith said that the waiver would be minor and would represent the least deviation form the regulations.  It is the proper roof for this footprint.  The setback for the deck from the lake will be 40 feet.  The walls of the home will be 53 feet, 3 inches from the mean level of the lake.  These distances match the setbacks of the original structure.


7:33PM – T. Maxham closed the hearing.





Conditional Use/Site Plan Review for an Accessory Use at 189 South St. – Zeberiah Snow/Hero Haulers (#24-66-SS189)

[Chair T. Maxham recused himself from this hearing]

7:34PM – Vice-Chair D. Patterson opened the hearing.  The warning was read and interested persons sworn in.

Zeberiah Snow, owner of Hero Haulers, told the board that he wants to move his business from his home on Martin Rd. to the Kinney Farm at 189 South St.  Hero Haulers is a garbage, compost, and recycling business. The garbage and recycling will be moved to the farm; the recycling will remain on Martin Rd.  The business picks up at customers’ homes and transfers 4 ½ truck loads into one trailer before transporting it off the Islands.  The proposed 40’x40’ trailer location at the Kinney Farm will be behind the existing barn area in a corner with protection from west and north winds.  The barn also provides screening from the road.  The business will use the existing driveway from South St.    The trailers are tarped and strapped while transporting ad will be covered at night if not empty.  The trailers are 24 feet total (including the trucks that pull them).  No trucks will remain at night.

The trailers make 2 trips/day now and, during summer, an additional trip/day.  Two trucks are running routes, with a total of 8 possible trips/day to the South St. site.   The designated trailer area can contain anything that may fall out due to wind, etc.  Mr. Snow said he has no plans to expand – he just needed more room.   This location will be for the Islands business only.  Mr. Snow agreed to a limit of 5 container trailers at this location, should he ever need additional containers.  Any more than that would require additional review by the Town.  The access drive and the trailer parking are already graveled.  The Applicant plans to add more gravel where needed on the grassy areas.

Board member T. Mullen told the Board that he is a Hero Haulers customer and asked if this would be considered a conflict.  The Board agreed that it is common in a small community for board members to be customers of local businesses and did not find it to be a problem here.

There is existing lighting on a utility pole by the barn.  The Applicant told the Board that he would probably be installing a camera at the site.  The Board suggested allowing hours of operation for hauling trash from the site to be 5AM to 5PM.  The Applicant agreed.  J. Brightwell asked if there would ever be a compactor truck.  Mr. Snow said no.  That type of truck could not operate at this site.  He reiterated that the site will not be for the public.   The company picks up only at the customer’s home.


7:59PM – D. Patterson closed the hearing.  T. Maxham re-joined the Board.


New Business

There was none.

Review of April 24, 2024 Minutes

  1. Welch moved to approve the minutes from April 24, 2024; T. Mullen second. All in favor.



8:05PM – D. Patterson oved to adjourn and move to deliberative; M. Welch second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: __________________________________________ Date: _____________________

For the Development Review Board



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled hearing.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.