
May 17, 2023 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                                         May 17, 2023


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; Don Bedard; Members viz zoom:  George Harwood;

Others Present: Pamela Suprenant; Michael Carroll; Kathy Mcgill; Judith and Bill Rowe; Ron Phelps; Michael Frett; Brady Baker; Dave and Julie Lane; Joan Falcao; Bob Fireovid; Tim Maxham; Anne Zolotas; Bridgett Kerr; Emily Klofft (NRPC); Rachel Gammal; Amy Kittiver; Tony Kay; Maureen Pidgeon; Mark Naud; Karen Browning; Sylvie and Rick Breault

Via Zoom:  Donna Boumil(LCIEDC) Phil Reynolds:  Todd and Cynthia Kelley, Nancy Tracy; Marilyn Gonhal, Becky Kingston


6:00 PM – S. Gregg called the meeting to order and read Town of SH Notice of Public Hearing and Report on Town of South Hero Town Plan Update


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment on Anything Not on the Agenda

There was none.



There was a lengthy discussion regarding the wording of airstrips and helipads to be included in the town plan where many in attendance were able to share their thoughts.  People in attendance voiced opinions on both sides of the matter.  When asked by the PC who was against these being allowed in South Hero, 10 of the almost 30 people in attendance said they were not in favor of them.  Others liked the idea of it being on a case-by-case basis.  Tim Maxham stated that by changing the verbiage we will have the opportunity to allow these things down the road and make regulations for them.  The wording for the town plan was edited.


Mark Naud and Bridgett Kerr shared several edits regarding the Conservation Committees work.  They were pleased to be a part of the Plan.


Emily Klofft informed us that edits need to be submitted by May 26 to remain on our schedule.


Many edits were made and all edits made since April 14 can be viewed on the town’s website.  The meeting was also recorded and can be requested by contacting the town office (see below**).


David Roy made a motion to submit the plan to the Select Board as amended with edits that were made.  Don Bedard second.  All in favor.


Meeting Minutes

Don Bedard moved to accept the minutes of May 3, 2023; David Roy second.  All in favor.



Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Planning Commission will be June 7, 2023 at 6PM, to be held at the Town Office and via Zoom.



8:09 PM – David Roy moved to adjourn; Don Bedard second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Michele J Gammal (Vice-Chair)



Signed: ________________________________________________ Date: _________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.


**For a link to a recording of the full meeting, contact Martha Taylor-Varney at [email protected] or 372-4841