
May 16, 2023 Con. Comm. Minutes

Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, May 16, 2023, at 6:30 P.M.
South Hero Worthen Library Community Room

and via Zoom
Members attending: Bob Fireovid, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud
Members absent: Dave Hobbs, Cynthia Kelley, Sue Straight (recently resigned)
Public attendees: Cristin Pullis, Peg Kirk (E. Shore Rd.)

Call to Order- Meeting was called to order @6:35p. Bridget reported that Sue Straight needed
to resign due to family and personal obligations. Mark noted that with her resignation, the
Conservation Commission quorum requirements is reduced to 3 persons.
Finalize the Agenda – Bridget recommended adjusting Agenda putting Community Values
Mapping Event before Town Plan discussion.
Public Input (items not on the agenda) – N/A
Assessment of Recent Community Values Mapping Events – Bridget thanked Jens Hilke and
Lincoln for their efforts, Emily and Guy from the SHLT, and CC members for their efforts and for
pulling together a great public event. Members noted a few issues discussed in groups –
Public access (decrease, and a discussion of access limitations on the Island Line/Allen
Point); storytelling of historical events and places is an opportunity for oral history;
shared roads for walking, biking, and vehicles; relative increase in posted lands (making
public access trails more important); limited light pollution on the Island; the feeling of
crossing the causeway and arriving home!
Bridget shared results from the on-line event; two small groups participated in that
event and their virtual data will be aggregated with the in-person event.
Results will be shared at the next meeting and available on the Town website.
Bob received expense reimbursement from members.
Discussion of Conservation Commission’s Input on the Draft South Hero Town Plan – Bridget
introduced the Draft Town Plan prepared by the South Hero Planning Commission and the
Northwest Regional Planning Commission. One of the goals of the Conservation Commission is
to support the Planning Commission with input on natural resources and related values within
the town.
Bob recommended and moved that the Chair and Secretary provide input on the Town
Plan and recommend the Conservation Commission be included wherever appropriate
to clarify its role and support the implementation of the plan consistent with the
Conservation Commission’s statutory obligations and advisory goals. Bridget 2d.
Unanimous consent.
Mark will send some initial revisions for commission members’ review early Wednesday
for review and delivery to the Planning Commission meeting on May 17.

Discuss Appointment of New CC Member – Kristin Pullis has prepared a letter of interest for
appointment to the Conservation Commission. Mark moved that the Commission accept Cristin
Pullis’ Letter of interest and recommend Bridget submit a request to the Selectboard to appoint
her as a Commission Member at the next available meeting. Bob 2d. Unanimous consent.
Approval of Minutes from the April 18 meeting – Bob moved to accept the minutes as
amended. Bridget 2d. Unanimous consent.
Preparation for Next Meeting – Meeting is scheduled for June 20 th . Mark and Bob will not be
available. There was a discussion about skipping the June meeting. Bridget will reach out to
other members. A possible topic is Jens’ report from the Community Values Mapping Event;
Land Acknowledgement; Reserve Fund for acquisitions; public outreach and member
recruitment; resource inventory and related goals with budget considerations.
Adjourn – Meeting was adjourned @8:25p. Bob moved. Mark 2d. Unanimous.