
March 7, 2018 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION                                                       March 7, 2018


Members Present:  D. Patterson (Chair); S. Gregg; D. Roy; B. Kerr

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


7:00 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


Continue Draft Review of Development Regulations

-The Commission asked Martha to ask NRPC if Towns can require stricter standards than those already imposed by the State.

-Since standards for lighting will not include residential dwellings, lighting standards will be moved from Article 5 (General Regulations) to Article 6 (Development Regulations).

-There was discussion to allow pre-existing non-conformities, due to setback requirements, to be expanded as long as there is no further encroachment into the setback.  This would include allowing lateral as well as vertical expansion (adding a second floor to a pre-existing, non-conforming structure) of a structure.

-There was additional discussion on the required width of rights-of-way to parcels without road frontage.  The draft from NRPC states 20 ft. but it was felt that this would limit the opportunity to further subdivide the parcel in the future where a 50-ft. ROW may be required (4 or more lots, etc.).  Martha will contact NRPC for further clarification.


Review NRPC Maps for Proposed Village Districts

The Commission discussed where boundaries to the new South Hero Village and Keeler Bay Village districts should be and whether they should be expanded. D. Patterson asked if the village district in Keelers Bay could be expanded to the shoreline, encompassing the current Shoreland district in that area and, as a result, eliminating the Shoreland requirements there?  Also discussed was whether to extend the Keeler Bay Village District further south on RT 2.  In reference to South Hero Village district, the Commission agreed not to extend the district to the shoreline here.  They will continue to review the maps and come to the next meeting ready to discuss village district boundaries further.


Review Planning Commission Rules of Procedure document

The Commission members made appropriate changes and edits to the document, deleting language related to their previous review responsibilities that have since been assumed by the DRB.  Martha will bring a clean copy to the next meeting for the members’ signatures.

Review of Sign Ordinance

This agenda item has been pushed to the March 21st meeting.


Review of Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to approve the minutes from the February 21, 2018; B. Kerr second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

There was discussion on the future of the Granny’s Attic building.  Martha told the Commission members that the Selectboard will be focusing on that at their March 26 meeting.  Tim asked if there had been any concerns expressed about the additional traffic and cars parking on South St. near Allenholm or Hackett’s during apple-picking season in the fall.  He explained that Mr. Hackett had wondered if the Town had any concerns.  Martha was not aware of any complaints and it was agreed that there haven’t been any incidents related to the extra traffic during what is a finite period of time in the Fall.


Administrator’s Report

Martha notified the Commission that the State is allowing communities to issue their own Wastewater System and Potable Water Supply Rules should they choose.  It was agreed that South Hero would prefer to stay with the current procedure with the State issuing the permits.  Martha will send copies of an article from the February VLCT News on “The Importance of Clear Definitions in Zoning Bylaws” to any Commission members who would like one.


9:10 PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.



Signed: ______________________________________ Date: _____________________

                        For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.