
March 17, 2021 PC Minutes

South Hero Planning Commission Minutes                                      March 17, 2021


Members Present: Doug Patterson (Chair); Sandy Gregg (Vice-Chair); Michele Gammal; David Roy.

Public Present: Bob Fireovid; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:00 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Discussion of Airfields and Heliport Regulations

  1. Patterson had contacted VLCT and was told that no draft ordinance had yet been prepared. VLCT suggested that we contact Northwest Regional Planning. Since the Commission’s April 7 meeting will include NRPC, we will include discussion on regulating airfields and heliports on the agenda.  Doug told the Commission that VTran’s application for and airfield or heliport was relatively simple (he will send everyone the pdf), but that the FAA regulations and guidelines are pretty involved.  Doug recommended that South Hero consider this further because there are already planes and helicopters operating in South Hero.  Martha will contact Grand Isle and North Hero to see what regulations or issues they may have.  This issue will remain on the agenda.


Small Business Saturday

  1. Gammal reported that she has contacted more businesses and is getting a favorable response for the proposed date (November 20). She is hoping that each participating business will have some sort of special ‘draw’ to encourage people to come. Meeting prospective participating businesses will become easier as Covid restrictions are eased.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to approve the minutes from March 3, 2021; David Roy second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

The Selectboard passed onto the Commission information on the American Recovery Act, funding to support local governments that could include, among other things, funds for assistance to small businesses, impacts to tourism, travel, and hospitality, and investments in water, sewer, and broadband infrastructure.  D. Roy asked if this could include funds allocated toward further study of water and sewer systems in South Hero.  This conversation will also be added to the agenda for the April 7 meeting with NRPC.

Administrator’s Report

  1. Martha showed the Commission members a front-page article in the March 16 issue of the Burlington Free Press about a House bill introduced in Montpelier that would require owners of short-term rentals to live in their rentals for 270 days a year. There was general support from the members for this type of State regulation.
  2. The next meeting will be April 9, 2021. Greta Brunswick of NRPC will attend to discuss whether the Town will need an MPG for the 2023 Town Plan, in addition to further discussion on Acts 143 and 179, airfield and heliport regulations, and whether the American Recovery Act could apply to any proposals in South Hero.



6:31 PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second.  All in favor.



Signed: __________________________________________ Date: ________________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.