
March 16, 2022 PC Miinutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           March 16, 2022


Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; George Harwood*; Fred Bartle.

Others Present: Greta Brunswick (NRPC); Steve Robinson (Grand Isle County Natural Resources Conservation District Supervisor); Molly Varner* (GICNRC Executive Director); Kent Hendersen* (Friends of Northern Lake Champlain); Kathy Magill; Joan Falcao; Mike Gammal; Bob Fireovid; Tim Maxham.


(*via Zoom)


6:05PM – S. Gregg call the meeting to order.

Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Continue 2023 Town Plan Discussion:

Greta introduced Molly Varner and Steve Robinson of Grand Isle County Natural Resources Conservation District, and Kent Henderson of Friends of Northern Lake Champlain.  She said that the importance of water quality in Lake Champlain cannot be underestimated and asked where the 2023 Plan could build on the current Plan’s information, suggesting that the areas related to goals and strategies be strengthened.  The current Plan supports clean-up efforts, but how can the 2023 Plan be more specific?

Kent Henderson explained to the Commission that the Friends of Northern Lake Champlain was originally formed 19 years ago to address the issues of blue-green algae in the lake.  Efforts to stop nutrient flow into the lake has involved public outreach, with 11 projects in this area of the lake.  He explained that stormwater management plans tie together 3 aspects – working with landowners and municipalities to develop stormwater plans; conducting shoreline erosion assessments with municipalities and individual landowners; working with basin water quality councils through Planning Commissions.  He said that there is no representative in South Hero right now and asked anyone interested to contact him.

Molly Varner told the Commission that there are 14 Conservation Districts in VT. They work with landowners and other groups. Partnering with South Hero Land Trust, GICNRCD has been working with landowners and businesses to develop a community-driven action plan to identify projects to improve water quality in Keeler Bay.  M. Gammal asked if there is a plan to deal with the weed problem in Keeler Bay.  Molly explained that GICNRCD can help with applying for grants to address this.  She recommended contacting the Lake Champlain Basin Program (re invasives) for more advise.  She said there were currently no initiatives locally for weed control but that she would look into it at the State level.  Kent Henderson explained that the State is under orders by the EPA to reduce phosphorus flow into the lake.  Several small agriculture projects have been effective and that these are a smaller investment than stormwater plans.  Increasing levels of sediment in the lake contain phosphorus.  Strategies and ideas to further address these issues include creating Lake Associations, much like the St. Albans Bay Watershed Association.

  1. Gregg asked if there is any effort or funds available to upgrade old wastewater systems along the lake. Systems older than those permitted by the State since 2007 are exempt until they fail. Greta will research whether there is any funding available to address this issue. Molly suggested the State Revolving Funds and the VT Rural Water Association but didn’t know who may be eligible. She also suggested consulting the Northern Lake Champlain Basin Plan.


Town Plan Community Input

Greta discussed with the Commission upcoming agenda items and opportunities for public input.  She offered NRPC assistance for survey questions. She explained that they were waiting for baseline census data before a survey is developed.  A sub-committee developing the survey questions will include Joan Falcao, M. Gammal, and S. Gregg.  NRPC has survey templates to help.  Both year-round and seasonal residents, as long as they are property owners, will be able to take the survey. The 2013 Shizac survey will be revisited.

Greta also asked if the Town’s 2023 Town Plan website that NRPC hosts should have a more specific comments section – should it be specific to a particular topic? The Commission agreed that it should.

Other community input can be gathered from Charette-style public meetings, including discussion on Village Zoning District boundary adjustments, visions for the Village Districts, topic areas of interest, priorities, and a comprehensive planning vision.  S. Gregg explained that the school project, allowing student input, will take place in the Fall.


ARPA Committee Update

  1. Roy said that the committee is still working on survey questions and will be meeting soon.


Wastewater Planning and Assessment Committee Update

  1. Harwood reported that the committee had discussed whether wastewater feasibility should be considered for just the village centers or for the entire town – what would the service areas be? Perhaps just the designated village centers rather than entire village zoning districts? The committee decided that it should be limited to the village areas but is discussing what the boundaries should be.  There will be a website with a link from the Town website but it isn’t yet open.  George explained that Otter Creek Associates has agreed to take on up to 30% of the project without financing in place.  The Town is still waiting to hear if it will be awarded funding from the State Clean Water Revolving Fund.



Meeting Minutes

  1. Roy moved t approve the minutes from the March 2, 2022 meeting; F. Bartle second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

No report from the ZA.  However,

  1. A. Gammal stated that 2022 Weekend in the Islands is scheduled for October 8th and 9th. North Hero has agreed to take part.  Grand Isle and other towns have not yet confirmed.
  2. Greta announced that Local Motion and South Hero Land Trust had been awarded a VOREC (Vermont Outdoor Recreation Economic Collaborative) Grant, to jointly develop bicycle routes and plans in South Hero.



7:50PM – M. Gammal moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.