
March 12, 2020 Rec. Comm. Minutes

Minutes, Recreation Commission
7PM, March 12, south Hero Town Office
In attendance- David Hobbs, Chuck Hulse, Erin Morse and Linda Burger
1) review of January 2020 minutes –
2) introduction of 1 potential new Commission members: Chuck Hulse
3) public input – none
4) treasurer report – need to get from Mike. Uncertain of amount remaining. Looking for input on spending funds. See 4b. a) approval of payments
i) basketball – already approved.
ii) YOGI – payment approved.
iii) ski program scholarship fund – no approval needed. KB b) remaining budget should probably be spent before May meeting – another swinging bench, cleaning up flower bed at White’s Beach, education the community on walking/biking/run ning on roads, kids bike helmets, bikes for kids, learning to bike clinic for kids (local motion) other programming for kids – kayaking 5) old business
a) Recreation Calendar — Keegan/library – Dave spoke with Keegan. She would like to work with us getting calendar events out.
6) new business
TAKING A FRESH LOOK AT OUR PROGRAMS – Bike event (see above, weekend to learn to bike, get helmet, check helmet/ bike fit, review biking safety).
Swim dates – Erin will work on this. Same general dates/times as last year.
7) other business