Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; Don Bedard
Others Present: Tm Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)
6PM – S. Gregg called the meeting to order.
Changes to the Agenda
There were none.
Public Comment
- Gammal noted that this is Chair Sandy Gregg’s last meeting. She wanted to express her thanks both on behalf of the Commission members and the community. T. Maxham said he appreciated all her hard work and understood that the job was not always easy.
Old Business
- Traffic Study on Hochelaga Rd. – M Taylor-Varney told the members that there will be a public hearing at the Selectboard’s June 24th meeting to present an updated Traffic Ordinance, including a proposed reduction in speed on Hochelaga Rd. from 35mph to 25mph.
- Sidewalk Mapping Project Update – Gregg said there was no update at this time.
New Business
- The Commission discussed amending Table 2.1 (Allowed Uses) to require conditional use review for restaurants in the Village Zoning Districts. Currently, only site plan review is required. Gregg told the Commission that she would send them the spreadsheet she had compiled of discussed updates to the Development Regulations.
Approve Meeting Minutes
- Gammal moved to approve the minutes of May 15, 2024; D. Bedard second. All in favor.
Administrator’s Report
- Martha asked the Commission for clarification of the following –
- Can 2 non-conforming lots (too small) do a boundary adjustment that results in each lot remaining the same size?
- Can an accessory dwelling unit be on the same lot as 2 duplexes? Only as a PUD.
- Can a land-locked lot absorb its right-of-way and become an irregular-shaped lot? Only if it can meet the minimum frontage required.
- The Vermont Community Development Spring Conference will be on June 25th in Hardwick.
- The Northern Borders Regional Commission’s new strategic plan has been released. For additional information, contact ZA Martha Taylor-Varney.
- For a copy of the June VT Agency of Commerce and Community Development newsletter, contact Martha. It includes information on housing programs, adding ADUs, and upcoming conferences and symposiums.
- Gammal, Martha, and DRB member Jim Brightwell attended VLCT’s Spring Planning and Zoning Forum on May 30. Discussion included Environmental Court procedures, changes in Open Meeting Law, proposed updates to Act 250, and a general legislative update.
- Martha will ask the Selectboard to re-appoint PC member Don Bedard to another 3-year term on the Commission. Don’s current term ends at the end of June ’24.
- Meeting House – The new fundraising campaign will include a banner at the Meeting House and an article in the Islander. The Foundation is waiting to hear about grant applications to the Northern Borders Commission for $500,000 and Senator Welch’s Save America’s Treasures grant for $400,000.
- Town Office Committee – D. Roy reported that the committee has been discussing site choice options. The next meeting will be Tuesday, June 11.
Next Meeting
The next regular meeting is June 19, 2024. [Schedule update – the June 19th and July 3rd meetings have been cancelled. The next regular meeting will be July 17, 2024 at 6PM.]
6:44PM – D. Roy moved to adjourn; D. Bedard second. All in favor.
Respectfully submitted,
Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA
Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: _______________________
For the Planning Commission
These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.