
June 19, 2019

HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           June 19, 2019


Members Present: D. Patterson; S. Gregg; B. Kerr; M. Gammal

Member Absent: D. Roy

Public Present: Ethelyn Dubuque; Greg and Claire Tuite; Mary Harwood; Judy Duval; Beverly Blakely; Everett Dubuque; Janine Bellinghiri; Michael Carroll; Pamela Surprenant; Samera Hilliker; David Carter; Tim Maxham; Taylor Newton (NRPC).


7:00 PM – D. Patterson called the meeting to order.


Public Input

There was none.


Old White Meeting House Outreach Committee Public Session

The Planning Commission hosted the public session. Taylor Newton facilitated the public session for the OWMH Outreach Committee. S. Gregg took minutes for the public session.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to accept the minutes from June 5, 2019, with corrections; M. Gammal second. All in favor.


New/Old Business

  1. There was discussion about a proposed noise ordinance, brought on by the loud noise from engine testing at Island Racing. Selectboard Chair Jonathan Shaw has spoken with them and will monitor the sound the next time a test is planned. David Carter suggested the Town have sound meters to be able to accurately calculate the amount of sound being produced. Area residents have complained that the testing occasionally continues into the evening hours, well after the required 10AM to 4PM schedule approved at Island Racing’s original ZBA conditional use approval. Martha will check the original conditions, and also look at the Act 250 conditions of approval.
  2. Martha sent the Blue Paddle an email reminding them that staff parking is in the gravel lot on the west side of the Red Fire Station. The Blue Paddle’s extended summer hours have created some parking complaints from Granny’s Attic when they are open on Fridays and Saturdays.
  3. There was also a question about the use of the public parking at the Old White Meeting House by CIDER vehicles. Martha will ask the Selectboard.
  4. Taylor Newton remained after the public session to discuss the Development Regulations updates with the Commission members. A section on density bonuses has been added to the section on Development Review includes bonuses for affordable housing units. Discussion included whether the units should be subject to covenants or restrictions that preserve their affordability for 15 years or in perpetuity. Taylor recommended keeping it at 15 years and the Commission members agreed.
  5. There was discussion on the procedure for approving the Development Regulations – whether the document would go to the Selectboard for approval or if the SB wanted to put it to a public vote.


Administrator’s Report

  • Martha told the Commission members that the Selectboard will re-appoint Doug and Michele to 3-year terms at their meeting on June 24. Martha was required to advertise the 2 openings before the SB would re-appoint, in case anyone else expressed interest.
  • The Sign Ordinance will be on the SB’s June 24 agenda.
  • There will be no PC meeting on July 3rd due to the holiday week. The next meeting will be July 17th.



9:00 PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; M. Gammal second. All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: ____________________________________ Date: ________________________

For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicate.