
June 1, 2022 PC Minutes

South Hero Planning Commission                  6/1/2022                                    Meeting Minutes



Planning Commission in person:  Michele Gammal-Vice Chair, David Roy, Fred Bartle, Sandy Gregg-Chair.

Planning Commission via Zoom:  George Harwood


Public in person:  Bob Fireovid, Ann Quinn

Public via Zoom:  Kathy McGill, Bridget Kerr, Emily Klofft-Northwest Regional Planning Commission


Absent: Zoning Administrator, Martha Taylor-Varney


Call to order at 6:06 PM by S. Gregg, Chair


  1. Changes to the Agenda: Gregg added under New Business: 1. Discussion about definition of “Structure” as it pertains to cannabis business, 2. Minute taking.
  2. Public Comment:
    • Bridget Kerr asked about creating a South Hero Conservation Commission as allowed under Title 24: Chapter 118. There was general discussion followed by a Motion by D. Roy with Second by G. Harwood to establish a South Hero Conservation Commission. The vote was unanimous. The next step is to bring this request to the Select Board (SB). S. Gregg will ask that it be placed on the June 13, 2022 SB Agenda. Check this link for more information:
    • Bridget Kerr shared the following resources with the PC:
      • the Vermont BioFinder Website which can be found at
      • Vermont Natural Resources Council’s Parcelization Website, which can be found at This is where you can find info about forest fragmentation.

General discussion followed with consensus that there is good information to be found here for inclusion in      the Town Plan.

  1. Continue 2023 Town Plan work
  • Review FINAL Draft of survey formatted questions: the latest version of the questions was distributed, E. Klofft shared her screen for Zoom attendees to view the questions.  After discussion there were just a few final nits that will be emailed to E. Klofft by S. Gregg. Expectations are that as soon as E. Klofft makes the final edit the survey will go live. Could be as early as by the end of Thursday June 2nd. A Motion was made by D. Roy with a Second by M. Gammal to approve the final version of the survey questions including the final edits discussed. The vote was unanimous. Thanks all for your good work on this.
  • Public Outreach: first Community Cheers & Cheese is Monday June 27th, 4-6 PM at the Old South Hero Meeting House (Granny’s Attic). Klofft stated that NRPC will be there with inter-active Presentation Boards that ask the public the following questions: What places do you love in South Hero?  What areas, places or features of the Town need improvement?  What places do you feel safe to walk (blue dot) and bike (yellow dot) in South Hero?
  • A draft of the postcard to be sent to all South Hero postal patrons was passed around. All approved. Minuteman Press in Colchester will print and mail. Total quoted at $444.93. Should hit the mail within 5-7 business days.
  • Resource Section idea was discussed and approved by consensus.
  1. ARPA Committee Update: D. Roy reported that results are in final stages of tabulation and should be                    ready any day now.
  2. Wastewater Planning & Assessment Committee Updates – G. Harwood began by thanking everyone working on this effort. The Consultant engineering firm has reported that South Hero lacks appropriate                    scale of good soils. The good soils are located far apart from each other. UVM Archeologists were                         brought in to study possible locations. The engineering firm continues to work on the project.



  1. Old Business
  • School Safety Zone Update – F. Bartle reported he has made contact with a source at VTrans.  Also, he is continuing investigating creating s Drug-Free Zone. Also, further contact with Dave Hobbs is needed.
  • 2022 VTrans Bicycle & Pedestrian Grant Program Update: Gregg reported that the Scoping Grant is on track to be submitted by June 8th at noon. She Zoom met with Greta Brunswick-Northwest Regional Planning Commission, tasks were determined & assigned. They meet again this Friday by Zoom for a progress update.
  1. New Business
  • Definition of “Structure”: Zoning Administrator, Martha Taylor-Varney, asked the PC to review definitions of “Structure” as it pertains to the cannabis business.  The PC discussed the definition of “structure” as it pertains to cannabis.  The Vermont Cannabis Control Board (VTCCB) has declared cannabis is NOT an agricultural endeavor. Based on the following:

South Hero Development Regulations, Definitions, Page 112, Structure: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something located on the ground. Examples of structures include, but are not limited to, buildings and foundations.

South Hero Development Regulations, Definitions, Page 113: Structure, Accessory: A detached structure, the use of which is subordinate to the principal use or structure and located on the same lot.  Examples of such a structure include, but are not limited to, detached garage, workshop, tool shed, or greenhouse which does not meet any other definitions herein.

The PC concluded by that a greenhouse of any kind used for cannabis is a structure and therefore subject to any and all building permit requirements including the $.20/sf building permit fee. A Motion to that effect was made by D. Roy with a Second by F. Bartle.  The vote was unanimous.

  • Minute Taking:  In order to alleviate issues with posting of PC minutes to the Town website it was discussed and agreed upon by general consensus that members of the PC will rotate turns taking minutes at future meetings. This is a temporary solution until something more permanent can be determined.

8.. Meeting Minutes – May 18,2022.  A Motion to accept the minutes was made by D. Roy with a Second by F.    Bartle. The vote was unanimous.

  1. Administrator’s Report: none
  2. Next Meeting: June 15, 2022 at 6:00 PM
  3. Adjournment: Motion by F. Bartle to adjourn with a Second by M. Gammal. The vote was unanimous.

Meeting adjourned at 7:29 PM.


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting.



Respectfully submitted by this week’s Scribe,

Sandy Gregg
