
July 29, 2019 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes
5th Monday Meeting of July 29, 2019
Worthen Library Community Room, Monday 7:00 PM

Board Members Present: Jonathan Shaw, Skip Brown (also Board Secretary), Anne Zolotas, David Carter
Board Members Not Present: Sharon Roy
Others Present: Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA and Admin. Assistant. Also see sign in sheet.

1. Called to Order:
-The meeting was called by Chairman Shaw at 7:00 pm

2. Adjustment to Agenda:
– none

3. Public input:
A. Dave Hobbs, Chairman of the Recreation Commission reminded the Board that the Annual Tryathalon for children 11 years old and under will be held at White’s Beach on Saturday, August 24, at 10 AM (Registration 9:30). There will be 2 age groups: Under 7 and 7-11. Swim, bike, and run appropriate distances for each of the 2 age divisions. It’s a fun way to encourage fitness.
B. Note that the Wrenegade Sports event at Snowfarm Vineyard brought in over 1000 registered bicyclists. There were problems as noted in a letter by Sheriff Ray Allen to the Selectboard. Many cyclists ignored rules of the road and event staff. Grand Isle was not notified of the event and where blindsided by the number of cyclists. The GI Selectboard is having a special meeting tonight with event organizers and law enforcement. Some question whether this event is too big for the Islands. More info will follow.
C. Tim Maxham noted that the fog lines on South Street are faded and should be repainted to help delineate the shoulder where cyclists may ride.

4. New Business:
A. Taylor Newton of Northwest Regional Planning (NRPC) discussed the Old White Meetinghouse (OWM) study for future use of the building is ongoing. There is a community survey that currently has about 100 responses. A final report will be issued in October of 2019. He passed out maps of the area and asked the public in attendance to mark it up, noting what they would like to see. He will disseminate the info and report back to the OWM committee.
B. The Planning Commission (PC) has been working on new Town development regulations for over 3 years. The final draft is being readied for public hearings. Taylor Newton explained that there are 2 ways to approve development regulations. By a vote of the Selectboard or by public vote. NRPC advocates for Selectboard vote after a series of public hearings. There are timelines for adoption of new regulations dictated by State Statute that will have to be followed. The entire new document will be posted on the Town website soon.
C. Taylor Newton noted that there are possible grants to study municipal water and/or wastewater study funding. An estimate for the study is approx. $50,000.00 – $70,000.00. The consensus of the public in attendance at this meeting seems to think that a study for both water and wastewater for the whole town, not just a village district, should be considered.

5. Other Business:
A. The Community Room at the Worthen Library is a great place to hold a meeting. It’s air conditioned and has plenty of room for a meeting of this size (33 people signed the sign-in sheet).

6. Adjournment:
-David Carter made a motion to adjourn 7:55pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,                                        Approved by,

_______________________________ ________________________________
Graham Brown                                                       Jonathan Shaw, Chairman