
July 24, 2017 Minutes

lectboard Minutes
Regular Meeting of July 24, 2017
South Hero Town Hall, Monday 7:00 PM

Board Members Present: Jonathan Shaw, Skip Brown (also Board Secretary), Anne Zolotas, David Carter
Board Members Not Present: George Rice
Others Present: Sharon Roy, Town Clerk and Martha Taylor-Varney, Admin. Assistant. Also see sign in sheet.

1. Called to Order:
-The meeting was called to order by Chairman Shaw at 7:00 pm.

2. Adjustment to Agenda:

3. Minutes:
– Anne Zolotas made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of July10, 2017 as written. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

4. Public input:
A. none

5. New Business:
A. Animal Control Officer, Everett Dubuque, was present to discuss the “dog ordinance”. This ordinance has been in place since 2002. It was discussed whether it should be updated. Jonathan will ask VLCT if they have a more recent template.
B. Road foreman, John Beaulac, was present to advise the Board that he received 8 applications for the open position on the road crew, and he interviewed the 3 that seemed most qualified. He recommends that Reginald Smith III be hired. David Carter made a motion to have John Beaulac offer the position to Reginald Smith III at a pay rate of $18.50/hour. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried. Should Mr, Smith accept the position, he will be given a copy of the personnel manual and will be informed that the probation period will be 90 days.
C. David Hobbs was present to discuss White’s Beach. Signs indicating that parking is for South Hero residents and their guests were installed near the fence. It appears that this is having the effect of out-of-towners parking across the road in a haphazard manner. Enforcement is an issue since nothing is being done illegally. It was suggested that more signage be installed as one enters the beach area on both ends along West Shore Rd. describing the rules, and that 2 “No parking between signs” be placed on the lake side to the west of the beach so that the fire department have will a place to launch boats in an emergency.
D. David Carter made a motion to approve and sign the contract to purchase the Emergency Services building. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
E. David Carter made a motion to set the FY 2017/2018 residential tax rate at $1.8372 and the non-residential tax rate at $1.8499. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

6. Administrative Assistant Report:
A. A written report was submitted. A hard copy with discussion points can be seen in Town Hall filed with these minutes or on
B. George “Terry” Delano of the PC and Paula Delano of the DRB have submitted letters of resignation from their respective boards. Martha will place an ad asking for letters of interest to be submitted by August 24.

7. Old and Ongoing Business:
A. South Street reconstruction project from Landon to Martin Roads updates:
-According to the contractor, it appears to be on schedule. The portion from Martin Rd. to West Shore Rd. should be complete by the end of July. When the section from West Shore Rd. to Landon Rd. begins, there will be a detour from either Whipple Rd. to East Shore Rd. or from West Shore Rd. to Lakeview Rd. during the daylight construction time so that the contractor can work on 2 lanes at once. South Street will be open in the evenings and weekends.

8. Other Business:
A. Skip Brown made a motion to sign orders 18-02 and pay the bills associated with this order. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.
B. Skip Brown made a motion to go into executive session to discuss employee compensation at 8:05 pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried. Executive session ended at 8:25 pm. Upon exiting executive session, it was agreed to set the compensation of the Town Clerk/Treasurer at $50,000/year, Assistant Town Clerk at $18.05/hour, Zoning Administrator at $35,700/year and the Road Crew with at 2% increase, as discussed in executive session.
 9. Announcements and Communications:
A. none

10. Adjournment:
-David Carter made a motion to adjourn 8:25 pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,                                          Approved by,

_______________________________ ________________________________
Graham Brown                                                       Jonathan Shaw, Chair



Administrative Officer’s Report to Selectboard July 24, 2017

Discussion Items:
1. Fifth Monday in July – DRB and Planning Commission to meet with Selectboard. NRPC would like to attend to explain to the Board the proposed updates to the Development Regulations. Public Hearings with both the Planning Commission and the Selectboard will be scheduled in the weeks to follow. The Planning Commission is hopeful that these meetings will be well attended.
2. Received resignations from Paula Delano from the DRB (effective on or before October 1, 2017) and Terry Delano from the Planning Commission (effective on or before September 14). How does the Selectboard wish to proceed with new appointments?
3. Have so far received 3 responses for the study committee for the FD building/Rescue building/Town Hall. Ad appeared in the July 18 Islander; deadline for letters of interest is August 14.
4. The Zoning Office will be closed August 9th and 10th.

-Planning Commission: Completing revisions to the Development Regulations. The next meeting will be to review the document with the Selectboard and the DRB at the 5th Monday SB meeting. The PC’s August 2 meeting has been cancelled.

-Development Review Board: No scheduled hearings at this time.