
July 1, 2024 OSHMH Minutes

Town of South Hero

Meeting House – Preserve & Revitalize Project

Date: MONDAY, July 1, 2024
Time: 3:00 PM In person at Town Office or via Zoom
Attendees:, Michael Carroll, Pamela Surprenant, Mary Harwood, Sandy Gregg, & Rebecca Arnold-
Arnold & Scangas Architects
Absent: David Carter-Chair, Sarah Kjelleren, Linda Seavey, Terry Robinson, Beth Curtis, Carol
Tremble, Jenna Lapachinski-Preservation Trust VT
Public: None
Called to order at 3:00 by Sandy G.
Financial Report: Do we have enough funds to do Phase #1?
$100,000 Bruhn Grant – reimbursement type
$100,000 ARPA Funds – Town Funds
$150,000 1x Taxpayer-raised 1922
$ 20,000 Vt Historic Preservation Grant – Timber-Framing – Reimbursement type
$ 30,000 South Hero Foundation Grant – Cash
$ 400,000 – Phase #1 Fund raising to continue throughout the entire project.
2. Grant Status. Mary H. reported.
• Northern Borders – Catalyst Grant for $500,000 awarded! Match is $500,000. Can use portion
of above funds to begin match amount. Goal is to raise a full $500,000 privately so as not to
impact tax-payers. Some of this funding will be applied to matching the Save America’s Treasures
grant should the Town be awarded that grant. In other words the idea is to build the project’s
match pool of funds. Fund-raising to continue in earnest through summer, fall and winter.
Welch’s Office: Save America’s Treasures – Congressional Discretionary Spending (CDS) pending for
$400,000. Should hear any day now if we made it over the first of several hurdles to get this funding.
Rebecca A. reported that Monica L.-KAS is waiting for the 1. ‘VT Division for Historic Preservation
Determination of Eligibility Form’. Rebecca will contact Lisa P. (Note: this form has been located and
has been forwarded to the proper contact. SG.) Also, Monica is waiting for 2. ‘Section 106
Preliminary Review Form’. Rebecca A. will also ask Lisa P. about this. (Note: this too was located and
forwarded to the proper contact. SG.) For the record, both forms are attached to thee meeting notes.
Confusion about whether or not the NBRC Grant is HUD or not. It is NOT HUD. It is a Federal Grant.
Phase II ESA report will be forthcoming from KAS to Rebecca A. who will forward to the Town. Yes,
lead was found. Not sure yet how that impacts project or the cost.

3. Champlain Farmers’ Market Schedule: Sandy G. reported we are scheduled to ‘table’ on
Wednesday at St. Rose’s; 7/10, 7/31, 8/14, hours 3-6 PM. Will use Mary’s tent. Pamela S. and
Sandy G. to be present to chat with folks. Anyone else who can help would be greatly
4. Publicity Articles & Business Plan:
Ask Terry Robinson for very short article about the history of the building.
Biz Plan still being worked on by Sandy G. A SCORE template is being modified to suit the project. A
lot of research has been done and more is needed. This is being done for the Town with volunteer
time so patience is appreciated.
5. Architect Issues: Rebecca A. reported:
• 100% Construction Docs are delayed due to vacations until August.

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6. Building Committee Report: Michael C. -no report at this time. Waiting for 100% Architect Docs.
7. Granny’s Status: No report
8. Old Business: Still to be decided: Determine the name of the project to use on all contracts.
Decide between:
• Old White Meeting House (OWMH)
• South Hero Meeting House (SHMH)
• 1816 South Hero Meeting House (1816SHMH)
9. New Business: Getting the word out about the project and funding-raising ideas.
• Thank you to Tim Maxham for designing and getting the large banner up on front of the
OWMH. You’re the man, Tim!
• Fridays & Saturdays while Granny’s Attic is open. Need volunteers to represent and e engage
the public.
10. Next Meeting – Monday, July 15,2024 at 3:00 PM at the Town Office & by Zoom (Sue A. set-up a
regular Zoom meeting, thanks, Sue!)
11. Adjourned at 5:00PM Motion by Michael C.. and seconded by Pamela S., vote was unanimous.
Respectfully submitted by,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe