
January 22, 2018 Minutes

Selectboard Minutes
Regular Meeting of January 22, 2018
South Hero Town Hall, Monday 7:00 PM

Board Members Present: Jonathan Shaw, Anne Zolotas, David Carter, George Rice
Board Members Not Present: Skip Brown
Others Present: Sharon Roy, Town Clerk. Martha Varney Administrative Assistant. Also see sign in sheet.

1. Called to Order:
-The meeting was called to order by Chairman Shaw at 7:00 pm.

2. Adjustment to Agenda:

3. Minutes:
-David Carter made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting of January 8, 2018 as written. The motion was seconded, with George Rice abstaining. The motion carried.

4. Public input:
-David Cain, School Board Chair was present to update the Select Board about the School Budget. The warning is being signed at school and will get to Town Office as soon as completed. It has been a rough year for taxes, are keeping the programs the same and the spending increase is less than 4% but increase is 8% in the tax rate. They cut where they could without reducing the quality of education. The student /teacher ratio is better than the State which is 4 to 1. The Board negotiated a 2 year contract with a 3% increase for each year. David thanked the Select Board for trying to keep the Town budget down. The School goes first this year on March 3rd.
-Jeff Parizo from the Masonic Lodge reported on the Christmas Parade there was a good turnout. They raised $1500.00 for the Children’s Hospital. They will come back next year inform the Select Board of their plans.

5. New Business:

6. Administrative Assistant Report:
A. A written report was submitted. A hard copy with discussion points can be seen in Town Hall filed with these minutes or on
B. Martha handed out a Zoning and Administrative Assistant job description.
7. Old and Ongoing Business:

A. David Carter reported on the progress of the transferring of the Fire and Rescue Buildings to the Town along with the agreement between Fire, Rescue and The Town. Also asked about the Audit which will be discussed at the February meeting
B. Signed order 18-15 on a motion by David Carter. The motion was seconded motion carried.
C. Signed Liquor for Keeler Bay Variety on a motion by David Carter. The motion was seconded motion carried.
D. Updated progress of Town Report.
E. Discussed budget.
F. David Carter and George Rice presented a petition for the appointment of the Town Treasurer by the Select Board signed by 101 voters of the Town. This was refused by the clerk as it was due on January 18, 2018 by 5:00 pm. 17 V.S.A. states that (Not less than 47 days before Town Meeting)Last day to file petitions signed by at least five percent of the voters with Town Clerk for articles to be included in Town Meeting warning, 17:2103(13), 2642(a)(3)(A). David Carter made a motion to have this petition place on the ballot for March Town Meeting. Seconded by George Rice, 2 votes in favor 2 votes against. Motion failed

8. Adjournment:
-Anne Zolotas made a motion to adjourn 8:00 pm. The motion was seconded, all in attendance so voted and the motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,                                        Approved by,

_______________________________ ________________________________
Sharon B. Roy                                                         Jonathan Shaw, Chair

Watch the Select Board meeting by viewing WWW.LCATV.ORG