
February 21, 2018 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION                                                       February 21, 2018


Members Present: D. Patterson (Chair); R. Henry; S. Gregg; B. Kerr; D. Roy

Public Present: T. Maxham; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


Changes to the Agenda

  1. Gregg asked to add discussion of a letter of support by the PC for a Library grant.


Public Input

There was none.


Continue to Review Draft of Development Regulations

There was discussion on whether seasonal dwellings should be permitted in the new Village Districts (South Hero and Keeler Bay Villages).  It was decided that pre-existing Seasonal Dwellings would be exempt, but no new seasonal dwellings would be permitted.  The same was decided for Camping FacilitiesPersonal and Professional Services would be allowed in the Rural Residential and Shoreland districts with Conditional Use and Site Plan review; as would Retail Establishments.  In addition, the Commission decided to limit the maximum road frontage for lots in the Village Districts to 200 feet, to encourage more infill development in these districts.  To further clarify the point from which building height is measured (limited to 40 feet in the Village Districts and 35 feet elsewhere), the wording was changed from ‘average natural grade’ to ‘average natural undisturbed grade.’  The threshold for DRB review for excavation, filling, and grading will be any amount greater than 100 yards.  Per recommendation from NRPC, there is a difference between the definition of ‘lots’ and ‘parcels,’ and the term ‘parcels’ should not be used to define both.  Sec. 304.G (Protection of Open Space/Common Land) will be reviewed further at the March 7 meeting.  The Commission also confirmed that there will be no added setbacks for driveways and parking areas to the Regulations.

The Commission began reviewing the boundary maps of the 2 village districts.  Discussion on South Hero Village included expanding the district east to Heritage Dr. (Pest-Pro) or beyond to RT225 (the old Fifield house, on the south side of RT 2).  D. Patterson will attempt to determine the location of prime soils in the South Hero village area for the next meeting.  It was suggested to expand the boundary of Keeler Bay village north to the VNA office on both sides of RT 2, and up RT 314 (Ferry Rd,) to encompass Grand Isle Nursery.  One question – what are the boundaries of Fire District #4 and what is its capacity?  Martha will forward copies of the village boundary maps provided by NRPC to the Commission members and discussion will continue at the March 7 meeting.


Review Planning Commission Rules of Procedure

Review Sign Ordinance Draft

Both postponed to the March 7, 2018 meeting.

Library Grant

  1. Gregg explained to the Commission that the South Hero Library is applying to the National Endowment for the Humanities for an Infrastructure and Capacity Building Challenge Grant of $150,000, and requests a letter of support from the South Hero Planning Commission. Sandy moved that the Commission support the grant; B. Kerr second. All in favor.  Sandy will write the letter.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Gregg moved to approve the minutes from January 17, 2018, with corrections; D. Roy second. All in favor.


9:00PM – S. Gregg moved to adjourn; R. Henry second.  All in favor.



Signed: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

                        For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.