Conservation Commission Meeting
Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at 6:30 P.M.
via Zoom Only
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Meeting ID: 841 0367 7781
Passcode: 052628
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+13017158592,,84103677781#,,,,*052628# US (Washington DC)
Members: Bob Fireovid, Dave Hobbs, Cynthia Kelley, Bridget Kerr, Mark Naud, Cristin Lemieux Pullis
1) Call to Order
2) Public Input (items not on the agenda)
3) Finalize the Agenda
4) Discuss Possibility of Taking on Green Up Day from SHLT
5) Updates on VINS Kestrel Study & Educational Event
6) VACC Tiny Grant
7) CC Facebook
8) CC Membership Effort
9) Approve minutes from January 15 meeting
10) Preparation for Next Meeting
11) Adjourn