
February 1, 2017 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                           February 2, 2017


Members Present: G. Delano (Co-Chair); D. Patterson (Co-Chair); S. Gregg; D. Roy; R. Henry

Public Present: Tim Maxham; Bob Buermann; Mike Guernsey; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA


7:00PM – G. Delano called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

The Board agreed to move the approval of Minutes to after the discussion with Bob Buermann and Mike Guernsey.


Mike Guernsey – NRPC representation

Mike has been one of the 2 South Hero representatives to NRPC for 22 years and would like to retire.  He asked if there would be any interest from a Planning Commission member for the Selectboard to appoint.  He stressed how the Regional Planning Commissions have the ability to see the full overview of all the Towns and the impact they can have collectively on the lake or other issues before them.  NRPC is highly regarded among the Regional Planning Commission in Vermont.  Mike asked that the Selectboard appoint someone with some experience to begin their term in April if possible.  Martha will contact the Selectboard clerk to include this on their February 13 agenda.


Bob Buermann – promoting new Park and Ride

Bob congratulated the Commission on the (near) completion of the Park and Ride facility.  He asked that it be publicized in a way that would promote public transportation.  He had been told by Sen. Mazza that a Park and Ride facility would be required before Green Mountain Transit would consider service to the Islands.  Options for an opening ceremony of some kind were discussed – ribbon cutting with Sen. Mazza and other local officials?  Timeframe for this would be after the landscaping is finished.  Perhaps a ‘soft’ opening earlier to include an article in local papers (Islander/Free Press/FPF), while promoting the need for public transportation.  Bob explained that an Islands route is not currently in the GMT budget for the near future but that the groundwork can be laid to encourage it.  Major usage would be from ferry traffic (UVM/Medical Center), but promotion could also include recreational access (bicycles), use by Seniors for access to Burlington, ways to get home from after-school youth activities/jobs.  Most likely would have service only during the week (3 days/wk) and not on weekends.  Need to identify priorities; what is the demand?  There was additional discussion re balancing need with costs.  Rural transportation tends to be much more expensive.  Martha will contact Wayne Davis to include the facility in the State’s list of Park and Ride locations.  Other suggestions included Ride Share, contacting Local Motion and Grand Isle Economic Development.


Meeting Minutes

  1. Patterson moved to accept the minutes from January 18, 2017, as amended; S. Gregg second. All in favor.




Continued Discussion of Development Regulations Updates: Article 8 – Administration and Enforcement

The Board continued discussion on sections added to the Regulations by NRPC and introduced at the 1/18/17 meeting.

  1. The Board agreed to delete 803.B, requiring the PC to have alternates.
  2. D. Patterson requested the ZA ask NRPC if all the recommended language regarding the PC’s duties (Sec.803.C) is required language or if it can be altered to better reflect the local community’s needs?
  3. Can language referring to codes that we do not have (building, fire, electrical, housing) be deleted while standards for streets and related public improvements remain?
  4. The Commission needs a clarification from NRPC on development that does not require a wastewater permit (Sec.804.A.3 appears to be a blanket statement that would not always apply). Can NRPC re-write this section?
  5. Request that 804.B be amended to require 2 placards – one at the closest public ROW and a second on the property within sight on the private ROW. [Also found at Sec. 805.A.3]
  6. Include in Section 804.C.1 directions to the appropriate websites for Residential Building Energy Standards and the VT Energy Building Code Book, and deleting the requirement that the ZA provide copies of these publications.
  7. Add the word “substantially” before “completed” in the second line of Sec.804.E (effect of Approval).
  8. There was extensive discussion on Certificates of Occupancy and if this should include all structures that have received a permit rather than only residential, commercial, or industrial structures. Questions related to wastewater usage and confirming setbacks. The Commission members agreed that all structures should require a CO.
  9. Under Sec. 805.B (Public Hearings – Combined Reviews) the Board agreed that the last sentence regarding the requirement for separate decision should be deleted. Martha will ask NRPC if this is a requirement of the State.
  10. Section 807.A – replace ‘Secretary’ of the Development Review Board with ‘Clerk.’


Public Input

There was none.


Administrative Report

Park and Ride:  The Commission directed Martha to ask John Beaulac to estimate the time they will need to prepare ground and seed at the Park and Ride facility.  Sandy will get a gift certificate, preferably from Grand Isle Landscaping, for the amount minus the anticipated labor charges from the remaining funds from the grant to complete landscaping in the spring.   Any bike rack at the Park and Ride can be provided by the recreation committee.


9:20:  S. Gregg moved to discard the solar option for use of the remaining funds; D. Patterson second.  All in favor.


9:23: D. Patterson moved to adjourn; S. Gregg second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, Zoning Administrator




Signed: _____________________________________________ Date: ______________________

                              For the Planning Commission



These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly-scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.