
Feb. 3, 2020 OWMH minutes

Old White Meeting House 2.0 – Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
Notes from February 3,2020
Committee Members Present: David Carter-Chair, Greta Brunswick-NRPC, Taylor Newton-NRPC, Mary
Harwood-Harwood Consulting, Emily Klofft-Intern NRPC, Sandy Gregg.
Committee Members Absent: Carol Tremble, Linda Seavey
Public Present: None
1. Meeting began: 9:00 AM at the Town Office
2. Agenda Changes – None
3. Introductions – Taylor is leaving NRPC and Greta B. is taking over NRPC roles.
4. Minutes/Notes from December 9,2019 meeting: Motion to approve by Mary H., seconded by Sandy G.
Unanimously approved.
5. Grant Funding Update: Recap of actions taken by South Hero Selectboard regarding grant fund request
into 2020-2021 budget. Will appear as Articles for voter approval.
6. Discussion of next Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Funding Steps:
Greta will follow-up with a timeline.
7. CDBG Deadline: established target of September application round as April round is full. Working deadline
of early July to get in the door ahead of time.
8. Brownfield & Hazardous Waste Assessment:
Greta B. described process for Town to complete application. She will email form(s) to David C.
9. Waste Water Options Discussion
David C & Jonathan Shaw, Selectboard Chair will talk with property owners and associated parties.
10. Grant Writing:
Mary H. discussed timing of grant writing and all concluded a 501C3 would be beneficial to set-up for
maximum donor tax benefit.
11. Record Keeping for In-Kind Contributions: Anyone putting volunteer efforts into this project needs to
track their time as this is important to show community support and is vital to grant writing proposals.
12. New Issues & Timelines: Greta B. will follow-up.
13. Next Meeting: April 7,2020 at 11:00 AM at Town Office.
14. Adjourned at 10:15 AM
Respectfully submitted,
Sandy Gregg, Scribe