
December 11, 2019 DRB minutes

DRB Meeting                         12/11/2019                            South Hero Town Office                       


DRB Members Present: Tim Maxham (Chairman), Doug Patterson (Vice Chair), Sherri Corbin, Lisa Kilcoyne, Bob Krebs, Ross Brown, Gareth Hunt.

Public Present: Julie and Brian Wolfe; Kevin Donovan; Cathie Merrihew; Mike Welch; Mike and Michele Gammal; Jeff Sikora; Brad Kline; Peter Velusquez; Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA

Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by T. Maxham.

Agenda was read and one change was made: Item 7 on the original agenda, Review of Minutes, was completed first.

  1. Changes to the agenda – as noted above. A motion was made by Doug P. to accept the minutes of the November 13 meeting, seconded by Garth H. Minutes approved by voice vote.
  2. Public input – none.
  3. Variance request by Brian and Julie Wolfe to add living space to a replacement structure with a variance from the setback on the new second floor (20-25-PS009). Hearing opened at 7:10 p.m.
  • The variance request warning was read by D. Patterson for PS009 in Shadowland. T. Maxham administered the oath to the two applicants, Brian and Julie Wolfe. Julie stated one correction in that she is now the sole landowner of the property.
  • The current camp was built in 1929 and has been added onto several times. The Wolfes would like to do renovations, however the current camp is on the original cinder blocks and cannot be leveled due to decaying wood. One corner of the camp is 1.5 feet below the other corners and the doors do not close properly. They looked at various options, including putting steel beams under the bottom structure, but the bottom structure would probably rot also. They would like to keep the camp in the family and enjoy it.
  • The proposal is to remove the current camp and replace it with a new structure that will utilize 97-98% of the existing footprint. The current camp is a non-conforming structure. The setbacks are indicated in red on the site sketch. The current camp is 20 ft. x 50 ft. and the new living space will be in a 20 ft. by 40 ft. footprint, with a bump out on the west wall of the structure which will allow for a better staircase to the second floor. The current roof height is 21 to 22 feet, and the new roof peak will be no higher than the current 22 feet. The exterior walls on the second floor will be 4 foot high knee walls, so it will actually be a one and a half story structure. The current camp has five bedrooms and this will be reduced to three in the new camp, two upstairs and one downstairs.
  • The new camp will also be moved back three feet from the lake, which will preserve existing cedar trees that help stabilize the lakeshore bank. The new structure is proposed to be built nearly on the same footprint and will be within 15 feet of the boundary on the east side of the property. The leach field and tank are within the conforming space in the yard on the west side of the camp. The replacement structure will be on a concrete slab and will be insulated but will continue to be used as a seasonal camp. The roof will be a 7/12 pitch and the new roof’s peak will be turned 90 degrees from what it is now. Approximately two thirds of the structure is within a 75 feet setback from the lake.
  • The new camp will continue to be concealed from the lake by existing cedar trees. The current camp is on a non-conforming lot 80 feet by 100 feet total size, which was originally 2 lots in the original Shadowland subdivision in the 1930’s. Overall they are slightly reducing the footprint of the structure on the ground, but increasing the volume by extending the second floor space.
  • Neighbor to the west, Kevin Donovan, has reviewed the plan and is OK with it. Neighbor to the east, Cathie Merrihew, is also OK with the plan. A third neighbor currently living in Long Island also approves (per email).
  • Shoreland Protection allows 100 square feet of impervious surface and the new structure will add 105 square feet. A Shoreland Protection application will be submitted by the applicants pending the DRB variance decision. The DRB has 45 days to render a decision. Hearing was closed at 7:35 pm.
  1. Jeff Sikora/ John Wagner sketch plan review for a two-lot subdivision at 487 West Shore Rd. The subdivision is to create two 5 acre lots.   This is the first review of the sketch plan. Review 20-31-WS487. Hearing opened at 7:37 pm.
  • Patterson read the warning and T. Maxham administered the oath to Jeff Sikora and Brad Kline (neighbor of John Wagner, landowner).
  • There currently is an existing year around house plus a seasonal camp on the property, with the camp on the lakeshore. Lot 1 has a year-round dwelling (a log cabin) and lot 2 will remain a seasonal camp. S. Corbin made a motion that this be a minor subdivision. Moved by G. Hunt and seconded by S. Corbin. Carried by voice vote.
  • Lot 1 has a septic tank and leach field, lot 2 has an operating septic system. New septic systems designs have been submitted to the State due to the subdivision. Both new septic systems will be located on lot 1. Lot 2 will have an easement for the septic on lot 1. Lot 1 will have a 20 ft-wide right-of-way access along its south boundary to lot 2. Lot 1 has a drilled well, lot 2 currently gets water from the lake. It does have availability for a well. The utilities will have an easement to lot 2 and each lot will have their own dedicated transformer.
  • One owner currently owns the entire lot with no plans, at this time, to further develop either lot.
  • Before the second hearing on this project, several items need to be added to the map:
    1. Indicate true North on the map.
    2. Show the easements for the utilities and waste water for lot 2.
    3. Contours need to be continued from lot 1 to the lake.
    4. Septic shields need to be shown on the final plat.
    5. Zoning districts need to be added (lakefront vs. rural residential).
  • Add abutting landowners and deed information for parcels across the street.
  • State permits have been applied for; they are not sure if the site for the lot 1 well has been determined yet. No new structures are planned, just a subdivision of an existing lot.
  • Public input: Kaitlin Kerrington asked if there are any plans to extend the current driveway. The log cabin on lot 1 is the primary driveway and lot 2 goes through that driveway. There are no plans to extend the driveway. The new proposed ROW to Lot 2 is 20 feet south of the current driveway. If the subdivision is granted, lot 2 will need a new street number since there are no additional 911 numbers available for that section of West Shore Rd. The new right of way will need to be named in order to accommodate the 911 numbering.
  • The applicant has 180 days to apply for the second (and final) hearing per state statue. Hearing closed at 8:11 pm.
  1. Keeler Bay Campground and Marina request for an amended site plan 20-30-RT456. The request is that condition #3 be amended (from the October 23, 2019 DRB decision). Hearing opened at 8:13 pm. Michael and Michele Gammal presented.
  • This hearing is to consider the Applicants’ request to amend Condition #3 from the October 23, 2019 DRB decision only. Mr. Gammal explained that the docks need to be next to the launch area for safety reasons and the new request is that the docks be no closer than 100 feet from the property’s north boundary. This is a change from the previously required distance of 150 feet
  • The new docks will be 100 feet from Peter Velusquez’ property. He expressed concern that subsequent Boards had allowed changes to earlier Boards’ decisions, including the location of the boat ramp and the use of the second right-of-way from Rt 2 along the north boundary of the Campground/Marina property.
  • The hearing was closed at 8:25 pm.
  1. Old business – none.
  2. Administrator’s report :
    • This will be the only meeting this month due to Christmas.
    • January 8 will be two hearings: 1.) final plan review for the Bond subdivision; 2.) Site Plan revision for the previously approved daycare proposed for Carter Lane.
    • No hearings are scheduled for January 22 yet.
    • February 12 will possibly be a conditional use/site plan review.
    • February 26 will be the continuation of the RL Vallee CU/SP review.
    • The Select Board will hold a public hearing on January 6 at 6:00 pm at the Worthen Library for review of the new proposed development regulations.
    • There was discussion about moving the start of meetings to 6PM for the winter. After discussion, it was decided to stay at 7:00 pm as it is hard for some people to get to the meeting by 6:00 pm due to work commitments.
  3. Meeting adjourned at 8:47 pm to go into deliberations. Motion to adjourn by L. Kilcoyne and seconded by D. Patterson. Adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

Sam Hilliker; Asst. to the ZA


Signed: _________________________________________ Date:_________________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting. All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.