
August 3, 2022 PC Minutes

SOUTH HERO PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES                                       August 3, 2022



Members Present: Sandy Gregg (Chair); Michele Gammal (Vice-Chair); David Roy; Fred Bartle; George Harwood (via Zoom)

Others Present: Emily Klofft (NRPC); Tim Maxham; Joan Falcao; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


6:00PM – Chair S. Gregg called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Comment

There was none.


Continue 2023 Town Plan work

  • SURVEY — Emily Klofft of Northwest Regional Planning Commission presented a summary of the results of the recent Town Plan survey to the Commission. The survey had 207 responses, with 162 responses from year-round residents (representing 11.7% of the year-round adult population).  Adults aged 55-75 represented the largest percentage of the respondents. Adults aged 18-34 were significantly underrepresented.  There were no respondents under 18.  The Commission was disappointed there was not more participation in the survey.  A summary memorandum of the survey results is attached to these minutes. Emily told the Commission that 1 full report of the results of the survey will be available on the website at the end of this week or early next week [August 5th or the week of August 8th].  Emily will notify the members when it is available.
  • SOUTH HERO VISION STATEMENT – Emily presented the Commission with an initial draft of a vision statement for the 2023 Town Plan. She asked the Commission members to ‘wordsmith’ the statement before the next meeting.  Public input will also be encouraged at future events.
  • VILLAGE VISION-FOCUSED WORKSHOP – NRPC proposes to host a 2-hr. event after the last Community Cheers and Cheese public input opportunity for discussion focused on the 2 village zoning districts (South Hero Village and Keeler Bay Village), revisiting concerns about zoning in the 2 districts. Tentative dates are September 7th or 21st, hopefully to be held at the Worthen Library.  Gregg will check on availability of the downstairs space at the library. [ NOTE: the meeting is confirmed for September 7, 2022 at 6PM at the Worthen Library].  There will be pizza available for Commission members and attendees.




ARPA Committee Update

There was no report at this time.


Wastewater Planning and Assessment Committee Update

  1. Harwood reported that the committee is one-third through their planning process. Otter Creek Engineering will review their progress to this point at their August 8 meeting. George explained that the committee’s consensus is that there is a lack of proper soils for septic systems in the village areas.  They continue to be optimistic that funding will become available for further implementation and are waiting for an announcement soon.  The Committee’s next meeting will be August 8th at 4:30PM.


Old Business

  • VOREC – no report this evening.
  • CONSERVATION COMMISSION – Their organizational meeting will be Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:30 at the Town Office and via Zoom. The Conservation Commission has been added to the Town website.


New Business

There was none.


Meeting Minutes – July 20, 2022

  1. Roy moved to accept the minutes from July 20, 2022; M. Gammal second. All in favor.


Administrator’s Report

  1. Martha asked the Commission for development options regarding a parcel in the South Hero Village Zoning District that the owner said had no available wastewater potential. The Commission members suggested he contact the wastewater committee meeting on August 8th to discuss options or ideas.  Also, could the existing wastewater capacity of the business already on the parcel be reallocated for another use.  The Commission warned, however, that any allocation could not be returned to the original structure if wanted or needed in the future.
  2. The Selectboard’s August 8th meeting will be discussing safety on RT 2 in the area of Apple Island Resort, the newly approved redevelopment of the Sand Bar Inn location, the Fish and Wildlife boat launch and parking, and the intersection of RT 2 and Featherbed Lane. The meeting will be at the Worthen Library at 7PM.
  3. Martha attended a FEMA webinar at which participants were told that updated flood maps for the Champlain Islands will be available soon.
  4. The Town received the first allocation of the Town Plan grant last week and checks will be going out this week for bills received.
  5. There was discussion about developing a Town logo. Martha will present the idea to the Selectboard in her August 8th


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be August 17th at 6PM at the Town Office.



7:10PM – F. Bartle moved to adjourn; D. Roy second.  All in favor.



Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed _______________________________________ Date _______________________

For the Planning Commission


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.

South Hero Town Plan Survey Summary