
August 24, 2022 DRB Minutes

SOUTH HERO DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD                                August 24, 2022


Members Present: Tim Maxham (Chair); Doug Patterson (Vice-Chair); Mike Welch; Gareth Hunt (via Zoom); Ellie Reid (Alternate, via Zoom).

Members Absent: Liza Kilcoyne; Nate Hayward (recused); Jim Brightwell

Others Present: John Beaulac (Town Road Foreman); John Roy (Town Road Commissioner); Ross Brown (South Hero Selectboard); Rick Whittlesey; Martha Taylor-Varney (ZA)


This meeting was preceded by a site visit at 286 US RT 2 (South Hero Town Garage) at 6PM.


7:00PM – T. Maxham called the meeting to order.


Changes to the Agenda

There were none.


Public Input

There was none.


Two-lot subdivision Administrative Review of 12 Hill Rd. – Town of South Hero (23-04-HR012)

This hearing was withdrawn by the Applicant.  The subdivision was replaced with a boundary adjustment, recorded on August 23, 2022, after this hearing was warned.


Conditional Use/Site Plan Review for a Municipal Facility (Salt Shed) – Town of South Hero (23-05-HR012)

Chair T. Maxham opened the hearing.  Introductions were made and the warning was read.


Selectboard member Ross Brown presented the application to the Board.  He explained that the salt shed will be built on newly acquired land immediately north of the existing Town garage property and will be accessed from an entrance directly beyond the garage.  The design of the structure is based on improvements of other towns’ designs.  The structure will have an east/west orientation with a central enclosed bay for the sand/salt mixture.  This will be mixed on a concrete 25’ to 30’ apron at the east entrance before transferring it into the structure with a loader.  An enclosed overhang on the north side and an open one on the south side will be for storing additional equipment, currently stored in the open on the existing garage lot.  Screening is proposed on the east and west side of the salt shed area.  Lighting will be mostly inside the structure.  Any outdoor lighting will be directed downward.

John Roy emphasized that the new salt shed will save the Town money, improve the environmental conditions, and improve the looks of the of the area.  Recent costs to add more salt to the sand pile has been $7000.  The current sand pile at the garage represents about 1/3 of the capacity of the proposed salt shed.

John Beaulac told the board that there will not be a need to drive around the building when delivering sand.  The area east of the shed will be large enough for a tractor trailer to turn and back up to the entrance apron.  Traffic into the garage lot will not increase with the new salt shed.  The same entrance from RT 2 will be used.  The existing right-of-way for the 2 homes accessed through the Town’s property will remain unchanged.

The Board asked for additions and corrections to the site plan. The hearing was recessed to September 14, 2022.


Old Business

There was none.


Review of Minutes

  1. Hunt moved to accept the minutes from July 13, 2022; D. Patterson second. All in favor. Chair T. Maxham explained that the meeting originally scheduled for July 27 has been cancelled so there were no minutes for the Board to consider.


Administrator’s Report

The next meeting will be September 14, 2022.  No further hearings are scheduled at this time for the September 28, 2022 meeting.



7:40PM – D. Patterson moved to adjourn; M. Welch second.  All in favor.


Respectfully submitted,

Martha Taylor-Varney, ZA



Signed: _______________________________________________Date: __________________

For the Development Review Board


These minutes are unofficial until approved at the next regularly scheduled meeting.  All motions were unanimous unless otherwise indicated.